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27 January 2003 The New iSeries Pricing System--A Closer Look Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,751
20 January 2003 IBM Announces New iSeries Servers Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 5,065
13 January 2003 IBM's pSeries Organization Gets Cozy With Mid-Market ISVs Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,817
06 January 2003 IBM Global Services Takes e-Sourcing to the Mid-Market Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,928
30 December 2002 Cost of Ownership Arguments Flare Around Linux and Windows Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,743
16 December 2002 IBM Reveals More WebSphere Express Details Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,192
09 December 2002 Technology Spending Expected to Pick Up in 2003 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,577
02 December 2002 New Tools Compare Server Cost of Ownership Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,922
25 November 2002 IBM Seeks to Ride WebSphere Express into Mid-Sized Companies Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,832
18 November 2002 IBM Pitches WebSphere Express to Mid-Market Organizations Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,547
11 November 2002 IBM Pitches Hot Servers to Mid-Market Customers Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,440
04 November 2002 The iSeries Marketing Initiatives: A Closer Look Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,941
28 October 2002 IBM Executives Commit to iSeries Initiatives Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,817
21 October 2002 IBM Puts Servers on Convergence Path Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 5,131
14 October 2002 IBM Strengthens Its Server Consolidation Hand Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,975
07 October 2002 Blade Servers--Are They Ready for the Mid-Market? Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,683
30 September 2002 IBM's BladeCenter Joins the Blade Server Revolution Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,797
23 September 2002 Lotus to Unveil New Domino Products Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,744
16 September 2002 Microsoft Commits to Windows .NET Delivery Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,971
09 September 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 9 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,331
02 September 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 8 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,746
26 August 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 7 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,508
30 July 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 5 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,281
30 July 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 6 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,637
22 July 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 3 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,153
22 July 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 4 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,480
16 July 2002 IBM Launches Operation GreenStreak Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,751
08 July 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 2 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,409
02 July 2002 IBM's Strategy for Mid-Market Organizations: Part 1 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,285
27 June 2002 IBM's pSeries 630: An iSeries in UNIX Clothing Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,560
28 May 2002 A Dirty Little IT Spending Secret Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,490
28 May 2002 A Sneak Preview of the Next iSeries Access Release Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,866
21 May 2002 IBM Promises Greater Availability with xSeries Servers Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,938
15 May 2002 Eclipse Tools Enter a Crowded Market Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,088
06 May 2002 Eclipse on the Horizon for iSeries Developers Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 5,351
29 April 2002 IBM Latest Price Actions Give to Some, Take from Others Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,697
23 April 2002 IBM Announces POWER4 iSeries and OS/400 V5R2 Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,118
18 April 2002 IBM to Unveil POWER4, OS/400 V5R2 Next Week? Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,438
09 April 2002 Reducing Windows Server Costs: A Taste of What Is Possible Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,532
03 April 2002 Web Services Debate Stirs Up Java Community Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,417
26 March 2002 ASNA Charts a Course to Microsoft's .NET Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,948
20 March 2002 Jumping on the PCI Bus: Part 2 of a 2-Part Series Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,437
13 March 2002 Jumping on the PCI Bus: Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,604
01 March 2002 IBM Hints at Expanded Role for Linux on iSeries Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,407
28 February 2002 IBM to Unveil New iSeries Access for Web Beta Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,526
20 February 2002 IBM's Latest iSeries Announcements--A Closer Look Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 4,017
12 February 2002 Microsoft Casts Visual Studio.NET Over Developers Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,684
05 February 2002 IBM Renews Its Passion for Java at Lotusphere Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,524
29 January 2002 A Watershed Date Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,806
01 June 1995 Interview with Bob Dies (AS/400 General Manager) Analysis of News Events | Current Events & Commentary 3,949
Lee Kroon is a Senior Industry Analyst for Andrews Consulting Group, a firm that helps mid-sized companies manage business transformation through technology.