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Where can I find information on advertising with MC Press Online?

For infomation about advertising on the MC Press Online website and in the MC Press Newsletters see the MC Press Online Media Kit

To speak with the MC Press Online Advertising Sales Director email Kara Keating-Stuart or call 208-726-7275 Ext 504

Registration & Account

How do I create an MC Press Online account?

To create an MC Press Online user account click the Members link in the upper right hand corner of the website and select Sign Up.

The resulting page will allow you to crate user account capturing your relevent details, set up a password and allow you to select which MC Press Online newsletters you would like to receive.  

Please note that there are required fields, fields visible on your profile, and fields not visible on profile.

How do I reset my password?

To view reset your password click the Members link in the upper right hand corner of the website and select Edit Profile.

On the resulting page...XXX

How do I retrieve my password?

To view your MC Press Online user profile click the Members link in the upper right hand corner of the website and select Forgot your password?.

How do I retrieve my username?

To view your MC Press Online user profile click the Members link in the upper right hand corner of the website and select Forgot your username?.

How do I update my profile?

To view your MC Press Online user profile click the Members link in the upper right hand corner of the website and select Edit Profile.

This view will allow you to update your Contact Information and Canvas and Portrait if you have added on to the website.

Remember to click Update to submit your updates. 

How do I view my profile?

To view your MC Press Online user profile click the Members link in the upper right hand corner of the website and select View Profile.

This view will show your Name, Username, Registration Date, and Last Visited Date along with the newsletters you have subscribed to. 

By clicking on the EDIT PROFILE icon you can update your provide if you choose.