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Published Title Author Hits
01 November 1993 How Consequential are Pages and Faults? MC Press Contributing Author 4,057
01 November 1993 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,041
01 November 1993 Where Did That Output Go? Guest.Visitor 3,877
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: OPNQRYF (3 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 9,038
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: RPG/400 (12 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 6,646
01 October 1993 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 3,913
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: Database (4 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 4,330
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: Operations (OS/400 & Products) (23 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 9,468
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: Performance (3 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 3,285
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: Programming (2 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 3,386
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: Work Management (4 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 3,650
01 October 1993 A Bold Leap to Client/Server Lee Kroon 4,065
01 October 1993 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,151
01 October 1993 HOT TIPS: Security (6 Tips) MC Press Contributing Author 4,526
01 October 1993 How and Why to Copy Spooled Files MC Press Contributing Author 12,414
01 October 1993 Beyond CPYSPLF - Saving Everything in a SPLF Craig Pelkie 11,088
01 September 1993 OPNQRYF vs. RPG MC Press Contributing Author 5,939
01 September 1993 The Truth About RPG Performance Coding Techniques Guest.Visitor 12,247
01 September 1993 Return Cursor Location: Beyond Screen Coordinates MC Press Contributing Author 9,739
01 September 1993 Using the SFLEND(*MORE) Keyword MC Press Contributing Author 11,999
01 September 1993 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,301
01 September 1993 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,119
01 September 1993 SQL Problem MC Press Contributing Author 4,682
01 September 1993 A Better Command to Work with Jobs Tom Huntington 7,525
01 September 1993 Keep Your Attention Key Active MC Press Contributing Author 3,839
01 August 1993 Flexible Character String Search with OPNQRYF Guest.Visitor 11,075
01 August 1993 Telegram/400 Ernie Malaga 5,200
01 August 1993 TechTalk: Online Access to RPG/400 Reference Manu MC Press Contributing Author 4,107
01 August 1993 Security Design for Performance Guest.Visitor 4,640
01 August 1993 TechTalk: Listing Message Files MC Press Contributing Author 3,395
01 August 1993 TechTalk: MSGID CPF9898 MC Press Contributing Author 16,156
01 August 1993 TechTalk: Using Predefined Messages MC Press Contributing Author 3,563
01 August 1993 TechTalk: When the System Date Isn't MC Press Contributing Author 3,266
01 August 1993 TechTalk: Library Size in MB MC Press Contributing Author 3,682
01 August 1993 TechTalk: Copying Remote Files/DDM MC Press Contributing Author 3,678
01 August 1993 Out of the Blue: Perspectives on the IBM midrange Victor Rozek 2,772
01 August 1993 Creating Presentation Graphics with GDDM MC Press Contributing Author 9,539
01 August 1993 TechTalk: Changing a Command MC Press Contributing Author 4,129
01 July 1993 DDS Goes Graphical MC Press Contributing Author 17,164
01 July 1993 TechTalk: Monitoring Remote Workstations MC Press Contributing Author 3,946
01 July 1993 TechTalk: Job Queues in OS/400 MC Press Contributing Author 3,414
01 July 1993 TechTalk: Operational Assistant Backups MC Press Contributing Author 3,583
01 July 1993 TechTalk: Printer Deletion Gotcha MC Press Contributing Author 3,343
01 July 1993 TechTalk: CPA7025-Help! MC Press Contributing Author 7,233
01 July 1993 TechTalk: Monthly Backup Procedures MC Press Contributing Author 3,179
01 July 1993 Out of the Blue: Perspectives on the IBM midrange Victor Rozek 3,164
01 July 1993 TechTalk: Selecting Packed Fields from Tables MC Press Contributing Author 4,636
01 June 1993 TechTalk: DDS Keyword for System Name and User Pr MC Press Contributing Author 4,329
01 June 1993 TechTalk: Losing Last Character in Subfiles MC Press Contributing Author 3,799
01 June 1993 TechTalk: Overlay Displays MC Press Contributing Author 4,753