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Published Title Category Hits
01 June 1996 Using Multiple Member Files with ODBC APIs | Programming 10,909
01 June 1995 An Improved Host Command for Windows General | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 6,459
01 June 1995 Copy-and-Paste with the AFP Viewer Document Management | Analytics & Cognitive 5,889
01 June 1995 How to Create an Exit Program General | Programming - Other | Programming 13,152
01 June 1995 ODBC Guide Available APIs | Programming 4,386
01 June 1995 Prevent the Windows 'Insufficient Memory' Error Microsoft | Operating Systems | IT Infrastructure 6,854
01 May 1995 Graphical Access for OS/400 IBM i (OS/400, i5/OS) | Operating Systems | IT Infrastructure 5,926
01 May 1995 Visual Basic APIs to Work with Pointers APIs | Programming 4,676
01 May 1995 Distributed Data Management: From There to Here IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 8,750
01 April 1995 The Distributed Program APIs APIs | Programming 5,620
01 April 1995 The NSD.INI and PCS.INI Files General | Programming - Other | Programming 5,375
01 March 1995 System Object Access--Application or API? APIs | Programming 4,915
01 March 1995 Understanding Display Station Pass-through General | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 9,174
01 January 1995 Embedding Database Access GUI Queries in Excel Microsoft | Programming - Other | Programming 6,193
01 January 1995 Start Multiple PC5250 Sessions Emulation | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 8,853
01 December 1994 The Display Message Text (DSPMSGTXT) Command CL | Programming - Other | Programming 9,269
01 November 1994 The Duplicate Message Description (DUPMSGD) Comman CL | Programming - Other | Programming 3,871
01 November 1994 Shadowing the SNADS Directory General | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 5,701
01 October 1994 The Scan Variable (SCNVAR) Command CL | Programming - Other | Programming 10,564
01 September 1994 Designing SNADS Directories General | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 8,797
01 July 1994 Sending Files with SNADS General | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 11,870
01 June 1994 The Print AS/400 Calendar (PRT400CAL) Command CL | Programming - Other | Programming 4,388
01 May 1994 Menu Design & Implementation w/ Graphical DDS: #2 General | Programming - Other | Programming 5,544
01 May 1994 The Scramble Bytes (SCRAMBLE) Command IBM i (OS/400, i5/OS) | Security 7,515
01 May 1994 Getting Started with SNADS General | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 12,949
01 April 1994 Menu Design & Implementation w/ Graphical DDS: #1 General | Programming - Other | Programming 7,703
01 March 1994 The Validate Data Base File (VALDBF) Command IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 4,472
01 February 1994 The Display Print Spacing (DSPPRTSPC) Command CL | Programming - Other | Programming 4,078
01 January 1994 The Check User Authority (CHKUSRAUT) Command IBM i (OS/400, i5/OS) | Security 14,021
01 December 1993 Event-driven Programming with Data Queues General | Programming - Other | Programming 7,582
01 October 1993 Beyond CPYSPLF - Saving Everything in a SPLF IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 11,087
01 October 1993 The CPYFRMOUTQ & CPYTOOUTQ Commands CL | Programming - Other | Programming 5,634
01 September 1993 The Delete Old Spool Files (DLTOLDSPLF) Command CL | Programming - Other | Programming 11,074
01 August 1993 TechTalk: PC Support File Transfer Networking | IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 7,712
01 May 1993 The Convert Date and Time Format APIs | Programming 6,042
01 April 1993 The Edit APIs RPG | Programming 7,174
01 March 1993 Debugging CL Programs CL | Programming - Other | Programming 13,866
01 January 1993 A First Look at Save While Active IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 10,323
01 November 1992 Multi-format and Join Logicals General | Programming - Other | Programming 22,422
01 August 1992 Getting Into Outfiles CL | Programming - Other | Programming 14,414
01 June 1992 String Handling in RPG/400 and CL CL | Programming - Other | Programming 24,000
01 May 1992 Juggling Jobs CL | Programming - Other | Programming 6,107
01 February 1992 Introduction to Journaling, Part 2 IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 8,356
01 January 1992 Introduction to Journaling, Part 1 IT Infrastructure - Other | IT Infrastructure 8,690
01 November 1991 A Look at REXX General | Programming - Other | Programming 6,404
01 November 1991 The Correcting Compiler General | Programming - Other | Programming 6,121
01 September 1991 Gotcha! Likewise, My Friend RPG | Programming 5,262
01 August 1991 APIs and the Anatomy of a User Space APIs | Programming 10,172
01 July 1991 A REXXample APIs | Programming 5,961
01 June 1991 Real Life APIs APIs | Programming 6,488