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Published Title Author Hits
01 July 1994 Printers--Ready, Set, Go! MC Press Contributing Author 5,794
01 July 1994 The Print (PRINT) Command MC Press Contributing Author 5,516
01 June 1994 Creating Subfiles with SDA MC Press Contributing Author 11,954
01 June 1994 Indicatorless Function Keys MC Press Contributing Author 11,115
01 June 1994 An Introduction to ILE RPG: Part 4 Charlie Massoglia 11,196
01 June 1994 Screen Edit Codes/Words MC Press Contributing Author 6,801
01 June 1994 Program Messages and DDS Windows MC Press Contributing Author 5,151
01 June 1994 Renaming PRTF Source and RLU MC Press Contributing Author 5,363
01 June 1994 RPG Record Locking MC Press Contributing Author 8,271
01 June 1994 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,369
01 June 1994 Hardware Announcements: A New Look...A New Directi Lee Kroon 3,864
01 June 1994 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 3,218
01 June 1994 Compiling on Remote Systems MC Press Contributing Author 3,613
01 May 1994 An Introduction to ILE RPG: Part 3 Charlie Massoglia 20,083
01 May 1994 Visual Development Tools for RPG Sharon Hoffman 7,064
01 May 1994 Right-adjust or Left-adjust Subroutine MC Press Contributing Author 6,540
01 May 1994 Activate Attention Key Program MC Press Contributing Author 4,747
01 May 1994 Enabling the Dup Key MC Press Contributing Author 5,862
01 May 1994 Numbers-to-Words Conversion Program Guest.Visitor 5,981
01 May 1994 Structured Programming MC Press Contributing Author 5,223
01 May 1994 RPG O-specs vs. PRTFs MC Press Contributing Author 6,858
01 May 1994 Security Patrol: Security Questions and Answers Guest.Visitor 2,368
01 May 1994 Dynamic Change of Group Profile Guest.Visitor 5,215
01 May 1994 The Scramble Bytes (SCRAMBLE) Command Craig Pelkie 7,515
01 May 1994 Performance Implications of Date Storage Solutions Guest.Visitor 5,355
01 May 1994 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 1,991
01 May 1994 Completion Message MC Press Contributing Author 3,848
01 May 1994 The Display Percent Complete Utility MC Press Contributing Author 4,145
01 May 1994 Run-time Screen Attributes MC Press Contributing Author 5,841
01 April 1994 An Introduction to ILE RPG: Part 2 Charlie Massoglia 8,950
01 April 1994 RPG CHEKR Operation MC Press Contributing Author 6,623
01 April 1994 Changing Decimal Positions of Referenced Fields MC Press Contributing Author 4,420
01 April 1994 Security Patrol: Security Questions and Answers Guest.Visitor 2,607
01 April 1994 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,113
01 April 1994 Creating Barcodes on a Budget MC Press Contributing Author 6,328
01 April 1994 Run SQL Statements Without SQL/400 MC Press Contributing Author 6,306
01 April 1994 Implementing POSTNET Thomas Stockwell 4,782
01 April 1994 Using a Generic Value with GO Ted Holt 3,444
01 April 1994 ASP Statistics Don't Add Up MC Press Contributing Author 3,778
01 March 1994 An Introduction to ILE RPG: Part 1 Charlie Massoglia 17,611
01 March 1994 Subfile Technique MC Press Contributing Author 5,912
01 March 1994 Hold the Drop or Fold MC Press Contributing Author 9,077
01 March 1994 Noncontiguous Keys MC Press Contributing Author 4,750
01 March 1994 Security Patrol: Security Questions and Answers Guest.Visitor 2,659
01 March 1994 A Guide to Changing QSECURITY Guest.Visitor 12,543
01 March 1994 Improving Performance with SETOBJACC Guest.Visitor 11,694
01 March 1994 Turbocharge Remote Applications MC Press Contributing Author 4,871
01 March 1994 Buyer's Guide: 9406 Direct-Access Storage Devices Lee Kroon 4,155
01 March 1994 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,006
01 March 1994 Adv Function Printing Utilities/400 & Barcoding Thomas Stockwell 6,623