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Published Title Author Hits
01 July 1995 TechTalk: PTFs MC Press Contributing Author 2,928
01 July 1995 TechTalk: Automatic Tape Label Type Processing MC Press Contributing Author 4,434
01 July 1995 TechTalk: Forcing an Interactive Job to Batch MC Press Contributing Author 3,145
01 July 1995 TechTalk: Combining Spool Files in S36EE MC Press Contributing Author 3,428
01 July 1995 Software Announcements: Evolutionary Growth Sharon Hoffman 4,202
01 July 1995 Out of the Blue: Pop Quiz Victor Rozek 3,543
01 July 1995 IMHO: Should midrange professionals become certified? MC Press Contributing Author 4,362
01 July 1995 TechTalk: Using Outer Joins in SQL Guest.Visitor 4,072
01 July 1995 TechTalk: Partial Numeric Date Selection with SQL MC Press Contributing Author 4,303
01 July 1995 Understanding the WRKSYSSTS Screen MC Press Contributing Author 33,291
01 June 1995 Don't Lose Your Record Pointer Mike Midkiff 4,420
01 June 1995 Forcing Records to Disk, Part III MC Press Contributing Author 9,206
01 June 1995 ODBC Guide Available Craig Pelkie 4,387
01 June 1995 Pointers in ILE RPG MC Press Contributing Author 11,454
01 June 1995 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,292
01 June 1995 Interview with Bob Dies (AS/400 General Manager) Lee Kroon 3,949
01 June 1995 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 3,419
01 June 1995 IMHO: MC's Technical Editors Debate Current Issues MC Press Contributing Author 2,944
01 June 1995 Copy-and-Paste with the AFP Viewer Craig Pelkie 5,890
01 June 1995 Defining Data with SQL Ted Holt 6,691
01 May 1995 The Display Access Path Utility Guest.Visitor 6,546
01 May 1995 The Control Break Saga Continues Ted Holt 4,900
01 May 1995 Subfile Synchronization Guest.Visitor 5,021
01 May 1995 Display File Field Changed? MC Press Contributing Author 4,399
01 May 1995 DUP Key Processing Matt Kofsky 5,952
01 May 1995 Visual Basic APIs to Work with Pointers Craig Pelkie 4,677
01 May 1995 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,243
01 May 1995 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,098
01 May 1995 IMHO: MC's Technical Editors Debate Current Issues MC Press Contributing Author 2,025
01 May 1995 Create Your Own Automated Training Lab Thomas Stockwell 5,150
01 May 1995 Distributed Data Management: From There to Here Craig Pelkie 8,751
01 May 1995 User Options MC Press Contributing Author 3,808
01 April 1995 Dynamic Sequencing with OPNQRYF Guest.Visitor 6,241
01 April 1995 Did OPNQRYF Select any Records? Ira Shapiro 6,921
01 April 1995 Eliminate OPNQRYF Divide by Zero Errors MC Press Contributing Author 5,298
01 April 1995 RPG Control Break Fundamentals Ted Holt 12,276
01 April 1995 Duplicate Record WRITE, Part II MC Press Contributing Author 5,247
01 April 1995 DDS Windows Tip Lee Marcus 5,218
01 April 1995 The Distributed Program APIs Craig Pelkie 5,621
01 April 1995 Fax at Your Fingertips Fred Wiest 4,904
01 April 1995 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,245
01 April 1995 Storage Pool Management of the AS/400 MC Press Contributing Author 16,569
01 April 1995 A Passage to Client/Server Lee Kroon 3,716
01 April 1995 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,126
01 April 1995 IMHO: MC's Technical Editors Debate Current Issues MC Press Contributing Author 3,033
01 April 1995 An Introduction to SQL MC Press Contributing Author 4,650
01 April 1995 SQL Over DDM MC Press Contributing Author 8,288
01 April 1995 Monitor Messages More Efficiently MC Press Contributing Author 3,773
01 April 1995 System Wide Catalog Guest.Visitor 3,915
01 March 1995 DRDA Lvl 2 & Two Phase Commitment Cntrl in DB2/400 Guest.Visitor 6,102