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Published Title Author Hits
01 July 1998 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,144
01 July 1998 From the Editor: Certification Is as Simple as Black and White Thomas Stockwell 3,246
01 July 1998 Out of the Blue: Opposite Ends of the Food Chain Victor Rozek 3,575
01 June 1998 Dressing Up Your Dates Guest.Visitor 5,195
01 June 1998 RPG Building Blocks: Maxima and Minima Ernie Malaga 4,594
01 June 1998 What's New with RPG IV? Ted Holt 5,260
01 June 1998 Arrays for Intelligent People Part 1 Ted Holt 7,524
01 June 1998 Getting to Know JDBC Ted Holt 5,884
01 June 1998 Configuring 32-bit Client Access/400 ODBC, Part 2 Shannon O'Donnell 7,520
01 June 1998 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,045
01 June 1998 The Good and Bad News of TCP/IP PC5250 Unique Workstation Naming Guest.Visitor 6,702
01 June 1998 From the Editor: Oh, they built the ship Titanic to sail the ocean blue Thomas Stockwell 3,987
01 June 1998 IMHO; Hey IBM, Where?s the Key? Tim Johnston 3,693
01 June 1998 Out of the Blue: You Make the Call Victor Rozek 3,671
01 June 1998 A Time for Yo-Yos! Shannon O'Donnell 3,399
01 June 1998 Library List: Asset or Liability? Ernie Malaga 4,985
01 May 1998 Centering a String of Text Guest.Visitor 8,776
01 May 1998 Configuring 32-Bit Client Access/400 ODBC, Part 1 Shannon O'Donnell 6,506
01 May 1998 Running Client Access ODBC as an NT Service Howard Arner 5,772
01 May 1998 Object Security by Adoption Ernie Malaga 5,977
01 May 1998 Password System Security Values Demystified Tim Johnston 8,981
01 May 1998 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,341
01 May 1998 Track System Security with IBM's Free AS/400 Security Tools MC Press Contributing Author 7,501
01 May 1998 Blocking Data for Better Performance Guest.Visitor 7,818
01 May 1998 IBM Refreshes the Client Access/400 for Windows 95/NT Client Guest.Visitor 4,972
01 May 1998 From the Editor: 15 Years, and the Best is Yet to Come! Thomas Stockwell 3,344
01 May 1998 IMHO: The Mac as a Client Platform? You Might Be Surprised MC Press Contributing Author 3,251
01 May 1998 Out of the Blue: A Better Mousetrap Victor Rozek 3,977
01 May 1998 Technology Spotlight Victor Rozek 3,723
01 May 1998 Are Your AS/400 Passwords Really Secure? Shannon O'Donnell 9,331
01 May 1998 FOCUS on Security Shannon O'Donnell 4,379
01 May 1998 Fundamentals of Security Ted Holt 5,106
01 April 1998 Domino for AS/400: It's a Black and White Issue Dean Hager 4,378
01 April 1998 RPG Building Blocks: Converting a Character String to a Numeric Value John Thompson 4,557
01 April 1998 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,338
01 April 1998 Performance Tuning MC Press Contributing Author 6,784
01 April 1998 In My Humble Opinion: Greed David Abramowitz 3,882
01 April 1998 Out of the Blue: How the Ailing Global Economy Created an AS/400 Buyer's Market Victor Rozek 3,560
01 April 1998 From the Editor: Hey, You Green-screeners! Learn or Burn! Thomas Stockwell 4,467
01 April 1998 Clean Up Your Libraries of Useless Objects Guest.Visitor 4,088
01 March 1998 RPG Building Blocks: Spelling Numbers Ted Holt 3,962
01 March 1998 SECURITY PATROL Guest.Visitor 2,369
01 March 1998 Design Considerations for Client/Server Performance Chris Peters 7,595
01 March 1998 Is IBM/Lotus the Next Microsoft? Thomas Stockwell 3,474
01 March 1998 Out of the Blue:Day in Court Victor Rozek 4,097
01 March 1998 Use Performance Tools to Avoid Application Performance Surprises MC Press Contributing Author 3,944
01 February 1998 A Few More Things You Can Do with PC/400's Mapping Function MC Press Contributing Author 5,525
01 February 1998 Customizing a Keyboard in Personal Communications/400 MC Press Contributing Author 43,000
01 February 1998 Cursor Placement After Subfile Deletion MC Press Contributing Author 5,979
01 February 1998 Using the Date and Time Conversion (QWCCVTDT) API Guest.Visitor 15,599