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Published Title Author Hits
01 September 2000 Cleaning Up the Web with SOAP Don Denoncourt 6,012
01 September 2000 Doing E-Business with XML Schemas and SOAP Guest.Visitor 4,547
01 September 2000 Form Follows Function: HTML Form Validation with JavaScript Don Denoncourt 9,698
01 September 2000 Improving Your Passing Game Guest.Visitor 4,757
01 September 2000 Notes C API with RPG IV Guest.Visitor 10,781
01 September 2000 Security Patrol John Earl 2,544
01 September 2000 So You Wanna Be the Alpha Geek (and the Story of the Unfortunate Colonel Fasid) Victor Rozek 3,857
01 September 2000 Workflow 101: A Framework for Business Process Automation Bubba Mullen 9,614
01 September 2000 Benefiting from a Mentor Program Bob Langieri 4,849
01 September 2000 Pirouette Like a Pro with Virtual Pivot Tables MC Press Contributing Author 6,366
01 September 2000 Power Up SQL Performance with QSQPRCED Guest.Visitor 8,662
01 September 2000 Cothern Computer Systems' Call Pro--Computer Telephony Software Ted Holt 6,679
01 September 2000 Displaying and Understanding System Reference Codes Guest.Visitor 12,990
01 August 2000 Are Lotus and Microsoft Ready to Play Together? MC Press Contributing Author 4,246
01 August 2000 Unplug and Play with Domino Off-line Services MC Press Contributing Author 4,880
01 August 2000 Implementing DB2 UDB for AS/400 UDFs Kent Milligan 10,334
01 August 2000 The AS/400 and IBM's DB2 DataJoiner Kent Milligan 6,931
01 August 2000 Dynamic Menu Bars with DSM Guest.Visitor 10,067
01 August 2000 Manage DASD User by User George Bennett 9,214
01 August 2000 The Stuff Legends Are Made Of Guest.Visitor 5,583
01 August 2000 Secure Your AS/400 with IP Filtering Shannon O'Donnell 13,504
01 August 2000 Security Patrol John Earl 2,681
01 August 2000 Rev Up Your AS/400 Domino Performance with Some New Tricks Kim Green 4,937
01 August 2000 New AS/400s Alleviate Server Performance and Value Anxiety MC Press Contributing Author 3,575
01 August 2000 Out of the Blue: The Gray Goo Problem Victor Rozek 4,372
01 August 2000 Are Punch Cards Making a Comeback? Shannon O'Donnell 5,503
01 August 2000 H-1B Visas: Labor Shortage Solution or Tool of Oppression? Steve McGuire 4,922
01 August 2000 How to Find Programmers in Your Organization Guest.Visitor 4,712
01 August 2000 Tools You Didn't Know You Can't Live Without Ted Holt 4,967
01 August 2000 Debugging AS/400 Stored Procedure Calls from the Client (Part 2) Guest.Visitor 12,545
01 August 2000 Getting to Know the New LPAR Worksheet Guest.Visitor 5,774
01 July 2000 AS/400: The E-biz Box Don Denoncourt 6,157
01 July 2000 Presenting RPG Subfiles in HTML Joe Pluta 6,088
01 July 2000 Beef Up Client Access Macros with VBScript Guest.Visitor 60,375
01 July 2000 Converting to Page-at-a-time Subfiles Guest.Visitor 9,545
01 July 2000 Servlets, Sockets, and RPG Guest.Visitor 5,247
01 July 2000 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,278
01 July 2000 Mining Your HTTP Server Logs for Statistical Gold Bob Cancilla 6,238
01 July 2000 ASPs, the Channel, and a Radical Proposal MC Press Contributing Author 4,381
01 July 2000 IBM Clarifies the Future of AS/400 Application Development Ted Holt 5,527
01 July 2000 Teledildonics, or How the Pornography Industry Can't Get Enough of the Internet Victor Rozek 4,578
01 July 2000 The Steps That Lead to MIS Management Bob Langieri 4,404
01 July 2000 Debugging AS/400 Stored Procedure Calls from the Client (Part 1) Guest.Visitor 21,488
01 July 2000 Embedded SQL and Dynamic Sorting Subfiles Guest.Visitor 15,029
01 July 2000 Serving E-commerce Securely 3Com Corporation 4,556
01 July 2000 How to Build OpsNav Plug-ins Using Java Shannon O'Donnell 6,052
01 June 2000 Evaluating Appropriate Workloads for the AS/400e Dedicated Server for Domino MC Press Contributing Author 4,204
01 June 2000 Considerations for Choosing ERP Software MC Press Contributing Author 7,036
01 June 2000 Hierarchical Storage Management-- Better Access to Your AS/400 Data Guest.Visitor 6,426
01 June 2000 Wireless Computing: Mobility Without Restraints MC Press Contributing Author 4,868