DXR Security, LCC Featured
The mission of DXR Security is to help you improve your IBM i security by helping with small, incremental improvements over time.
Led by Carol Woodbury, we use our proven IBM i security experience and expertise, we come alongside your staff, acting as a team member. We work with you to discover vulnerabilities and give you an action plan to make a change for the better. Unlike others, we don't want to overwhelm you.
Our goal is to provide consumable recommendations, helping your staff be successful rather than completely reworking or reorganizing your security configuration all at once. We will help you discover vulnerabilities, help you validate vulnerabilities, and to help you make small, incremental changes that improve IBM i security over time.
We understand that today’s environment requires organizations to improve security without a huge project or disruptive changes. Rather, it requires small improvements that reduce risk and make the data residing on your IBM i more secure – one step at a time.
That's what we do!
Listing Details
Annual IBM i Security Analysis Subscription Featured
0 reviews
Incremental change for the better starts with a plan for improvement. With our affordable annual subscription, we will provide a list of vulnerabilities twice a year. Included in that list will be a detailed action plan on how we recommend you address one ... Read More...
IBM i Ransomware & Malware Risk Analysis Featured
0 reviews
The threat of malware, including ransomware is a threat facing every organization – large or small. Unfortunately, the tactics being used are ever-evolving. First, it was the threat of encrypting data, then it was the threat of posting data th ... Read More...
Vulnerability Discovery Featured
0 reviews
Cyber Threat Intelligence is the new way of describing vulnerabilities on your system. We help with Cyber Threat Intelligence by gathering information about your IBM i security configuration using tools provided in the IBM i operating system. With our Vul ... Read More...