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Published Title Author Hits
01 March 1995 The ILE Source Debugger Guest.Visitor 8,509
01 March 1995 Variable Control Breaks Ted Holt 5,291
01 March 1995 Finding the Relative Record Number Guest.Visitor 11,331
01 March 1995 Performance MC Press Contributing Author 4,037
01 March 1995 Edit Code for Negative Signs MC Press Contributing Author 5,129
01 March 1995 System Object Access--Application or API? Craig Pelkie 4,916
01 March 1995 Client Access Data Queue APIs MC Press Contributing Author 8,896
01 March 1995 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,136
01 March 1995 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 1,900
01 March 1995 IMHO: MC's Technical Editors Debate Current Issues MC Press Contributing Author 2,005
01 March 1995 Query Management Forms Guest.Visitor 13,334
01 March 1995 SQL Advice David Morris 5,710
01 March 1995 System Reload MC Press Contributing Author 3,858
01 March 1995 Auto Initialize Tape Utility MC Press Contributing Author 5,577
01 February 1995 External File Techniques in RPG/400 Ted Holt 12,272
01 February 1995 Be Careful Using the FREE Op Code MC Press Contributing Author 4,322
01 February 1995 Changing Field Attributes Lee Marcus 5,123
01 February 1995 Disappearing DDS Window Screens Guest.Visitor 7,660
01 February 1995 Multiformat Files MC Press Contributing Author 5,654
01 February 1995 ODBC Overview 3Com Corporation 5,511
01 February 1995 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 4,596
01 February 1995 The Display Audit Log (DSPAUDLOG) Command Guest.Visitor 16,009
01 February 1995 I/O Speed Demons Ted Holt 3,897
01 February 1995 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,120
01 February 1995 IMHO: MC's Technical Editors Debate Current Issues MC Press Contributing Author 2,073
01 February 1995 Use PC Laser Printer Fonts in your RPG Output MC Press Contributing Author 8,981
01 February 1995 Handling Multiple Members in SQL MC Press Contributing Author 7,326
01 February 1995 The Check Power Off Schedule (CHKPWRSCD) Utility Guest.Visitor 5,080
01 February 1995 Ending Jobs Without a Joblog MC Press Contributing Author 3,698
01 February 1995 Toggling Keyboard Buffering MC Press Contributing Author 5,381
01 January 1995 OPNQRYF Error on QRYSLT MC Press Contributing Author 5,729
01 January 1995 Duplicate Record WRITE Performance Guest.Visitor 7,757
01 January 1995 Matching Field Names Guest.Visitor 4,686
01 January 1995 The ODBC Pre-flight 3Com Corporation 5,093
01 January 1995 V3R1 Security Enhancements Guest.Visitor 5,754
01 January 1995 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,692
01 January 1995 AS/400 Cache Architecture Steven Finnes 8,395
01 January 1995 The AS/400's Future: A Brief Time Trip Lee Kroon 3,764
01 January 1995 Out of the Blue: Midrange Perspectives Victor Rozek 2,070
01 January 1995 SQL Over DDM MC Press Contributing Author 2,370
01 January 1995 Reset Page Count on External Printer File MC Press Contributing Author 6,448
01 January 1995 What Job is Holding Mine Up? MC Press Contributing Author 3,568
01 December 1994 Handling File and Data Area Record Locks MC Press Contributing Author 5,150
01 December 1994 Enhancing the Performance of Interactive Programs Guest.Visitor 4,892
01 December 1994 Closing Files at Program End MC Press Contributing Author 9,061
01 December 1994 Retrieving an RPG Program Name MC Press Contributing Author 8,475
01 December 1994 Search Deletions MC Press Contributing Author 4,350
01 December 1994 Security Patrol: Security Questions & Answers Guest.Visitor 2,352
01 December 1994 Preventing Interactive Query Guest.Visitor 4,332
01 December 1994 Lab Notes: Improve Performance of Group Processing Guest.Visitor 4,130