December 21, 2016

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Issue Highlights

December 21, 2016 | Volume 15 Issue 24

LEAD ARTICLE: Gifts to Give Yourself This Holiday

FEATURED ARTICLE: SQL 101: Tools of the Trade - i Navigator’s Run SQL Scripts

NEWS HIGHLIGHT: New Bluemix Services with GitHub and Slack Integration

WHITE PAPER: IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

EVENT: Happy Holidays!

Lead Article - Programming

Gifts to Give Yourself This Holiday

It’s the holiday season, and everyone is in the gift-giving mood. Be sure you don’t forget to invest in your company and career.

Written by Brian May

It’s a special time of the year. Family gatherings for the holidays, football season, and time in the woods all make this one of my favorite seasons. The month of December is also unique for IT departments. December is certainly not business as usual for most of us.

It’s time for budgets. That may mean requesting budget items for next year or spending surplus budget before the end of the year. It’s often when project work slows down a bit as end users, and IT staff alike, take time away from the office. It’s a time when stress is often at its lowest, and it’s just easier to get some things done.

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MC Press Bookstore

An old dog can learn new tricks! Flexible Input, Dazzling Output with IBM i is full of clever ways to get data into your IBM i system, as well as new techniques to export and present this data in a modern, business-friendly manner. No more boring spreadsheets or ugly printouts! Your DB2 data will look great in program-generated spreadsheets and browser-based, interactive charts. Whether you’re an old dog or not, you’ll get the most out of your ILE RPG programs with the open source, free tools in this smart new release! Order your copy today!

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This ain’t your mama’s RPG! Time to move on from OPM—with Evolve Your RPG Coding. This comprehensive new book gives you all the tools to move to a more modern, modular, and efficient ILE RPG. The book guides you through the transition at a comfortable pace, making every ILE concept totally accessible. You’ll start with simple, easy-to-understand examples and analogies to OPM, then advance to complete and complex ILE code. Finally, you’ll go beyond ILE with a detailed discussion of SQL, code organization, and structure. Pre-order your copy today!

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Feature Article - Programming

SQL 101: Tools of the Trade - i Navigator’s Run SQL Scripts

A more “modern” alternative to STRSQL, discussed in the last two articles, is the i Navigator’s Run SQL Scripts tool. Let’s explore it together, shall we?

Written by Rafael Victória-Pereira

While STRSQL is a green-screen tool, Run SQL Scripts is part of the i Navigator package. You can access it by choosing the Run SQL Scripts option, either from the bottom-right pane of the i Navigator window after you’ve chosen the Databases tree node from the right panel, as shown in Figure 1, or by right-clicking the database name and choosing the respective option.

MC Resource Centers

IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

A Step by Step Guide

Active monitoring is one of the most critical and effective security controls that an organization can deploy. Unlike many Windows and Linux server deployments, the IBM i can host a complex mix of back-office applications, web applications, and open source applications and services - leaving millions of security events to actively monitor.

This eBook discusses:

  • Real-time security event logging and monitoring
  • Security architecture and logging sources on the IBM i
  • Creating the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN
  • Enabling IBM security events through system values
  • File integrity monitoring (FIM)
  • A step by step checklist begin collecting and monitoring IBM i security logs

Download your copy today from the MC White Paper Center

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  • SB Profound WC 5536Join us for this hour-long webcast that will explore:

  • Fortra IT managers hoping to find new IBM i talent are discovering that the pool of experienced RPG programmers and operators or administrators with intimate knowledge of the operating system and the applications that run on it is small. This begs the question: How will you manage the platform that supports such a big part of your business? This guide offers strategies and software suggestions to help you plan IT staffing and resources and smooth the transition after your AS/400 talent retires. Read on to learn: