September 10, 2021
September 10, 2021 | Volume 14 Issue 62
- LEAD ARTICLE: Apache and Tomcat on IBM i
- FEATURED ARTICLE: Setting Up a Python-Db2 Development Environment, Part 1
- FEATURED NEWS: IBM Unveils New Generation of IBM Power Servers for Frictionless, Scalable Hybrid Cloud
- EVENT HIGHLIGHT: OCEAN In-Person Special Event with IBM i Expert Patrick Behr
- WEBCAST LEARNING: Node.js on IBM i Webinar Series Pt. 2: Setting Up Your Development Tools
- WHITE PAPER DOWNLOAD: What to Do When Your AS/400 Talent Retires
- MC VIDEO SHOWCASE: TLAForms - Software to Design and Generate Forms on IBM i
- EVENT: POWERUp 2021 is in Virginia Beach and online

Apache and Tomcat on IBM i
This short article is here to get you grounded in using the Apache HTTP server in its particular implementation on IBM i and give you a bit of background and wisdom on that implementation.
By Pete Helgren
Editor's Note: This article is excerpted from chapter 11 of Open Source Starter Guide for IBM i Developers, by Pete Helgren.
We’ll also look at Tomcat, which is an application server that is written in Java and runs very nicely, thank you, on IBM i. I also thought about writing a chapter on Java for IBM developers. I decided against doing that, though, because there is a solid book, Java for RPG Programmers (MC Press, 2006), which covers much of what I would say. That won’t stop me from talking about Java or even throwing you a Java example or two, but we won’t go quite as deep into Java as I have into other…
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Supercomputing

Setting Up a Python-Db2 Development Environment, Part 1
The process of setting up an application development environment is frequently overlooked because the environment used is often dictated by the company a developer works for.
By Roger Sanders
Editor's Note: This article is excerpted from chapter 5 of QuickStart Guide to Db2 Development with Python, by Roger Sanders.
Even developers who don’t work with an environment that is governed by their company may not have to do much to get started; they may only need to install their integrated development environment (IDE) of choice (such as Xcode or Visual Studio Code). But creating a new development environment from the ground up can be frustrating because not everybody’s computer is the same. Consequently, a setup tutorial for one computer—or a process used by one developer—may not work for another.
More than ever, there is a demand for IT to deliver innovation. Your IBM i has been an essential part of your business operations for years. However, your organization may struggle to maintain the current system and implement new projects. The thousands of customers we've worked with and surveyed state that expectations regarding the digital footprint and vision of the company are not aligned with the current IT environment. Get your copy of this important guide today! Download your copy today! |
Supply Chain is becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable. From raw materials for manufacturing to food supply chains, the journey from source to production to delivery to consumers is marred with inefficiencies, manual processes, shortages, recalls, counterfeits, and scandals.
Watch Now. |

IBM unveils new generation of IBM Power servers for frictionless, scalable hybrid cloud
IBM today announced the new IBM Power E1080 server, the first in a new family of servers based on the new IBM Power10 processor, designed specifically for hybrid cloud environments. The IBM Power10-equipped E1080 server is engineered to be one of the most secured server platforms and is designed to help clients operate a secured, frictionless hybrid cloud experience across their entire IT infrastructure.