May 12, 2023

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Lead Article - Programming

Open Source Starter Guide for IBM i Developers: Ruby and IBM i, An Introduction

The goal of this series of excerpts on Ruby and IBM i is to first ground you in the Ruby language. That won’t be easy because Ruby is probably about as different from RPG as an apple is from an orange. They are both fruits, but one must be peeled before eating and they taste very different. We are going to first “peel” Ruby so you can understand how it works.

By Pete Helgren

Editor's Note: This article is excerpted from chapter 6 of Open Source Starter Guide for IBM i Developers, by Pete Helgren.

That means a grounding in OO principles. Then we can move on to basic language syntax, access to PASE resources, DB2 for IBM i database access, and then calling RPG programs from Ruby. That’s quite a bit to cover. Ready? Let’s go!

Every programmer wants to achieve the greatest amount of work in the least amount of time…

Featured News

Introducing Monarch 11 for .NET: ASNA's next generation RPG migration suite

ASNA proudly announces Monarch 11 for .NET, the latest iteration of its IBM i RPG migration suite. Monarch 11 migrates IBM i RPG applications (RPG III or RPG IV) to Microsoft .NET.


Monarch 11 creates MS ASP.NET Core Web applications with Razor pages. Introduced with Monarch 11 is ASNA Encore RPG. Encore RPG facilitates RPG migrations by producing either a .NET-based free-format version of RPG or Microsoft C#. ASNA Monarch 11 for .NET is available now.

White Paper Download

   Profound Logic


More than ever, there is a demand for IT to deliver innovation.

Your IBM i has been an essential part of your business operations for years. However, your organization may struggle to maintain the current system and implement new projects.

The thousands of customers we've worked with and surveyed state that expectations regarding the digital footprint and vision of the company are not aligned with the current IT environment.

Get your copy of this important guide today! Download your copy today!
Webcast Learning



Supply Chain is becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable. From raw materials for manufacturing to food supply chains, the journey from source to production to delivery to consumers is marred with inefficiencies, manual processes, shortages, recalls, counterfeits, and scandals.

In this webinar, we discuss how:

  • Low-Code facilitates the development of Supply Chain Collaborative Portals.
  • Value Chain integration enhances visibility, timeliness, and consistency.
  • New technologies help modernize and expand ERP and Legacy Platform support.


Watch Now.
IBM i Security

A Moment with Carol Woodbury: Network Security Pen Testing vs. IBM i Pen Testing

Everybody does a Network Security Pen Test these days.

By Carol Woodbury

So how is that different from an IBM i Pen Test? Join Carol Woodbury in this video as she shares a very brief and simple analogy that describes Network Pen Testing and contrasts that with what happens with an IBM i Pen Test.

Want to learn more about the benefits of Pen Testing your IBM i? Contact us today at

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  • LANSA Business users want new applications now. Market and regulatory pressures require faster application updates and delivery into production. Your IBM i developers may be approaching retirement, and you see no sure way to fill their positions with experienced developers. In addition, you may be caught between maintaining your existing applications and the uncertainty of moving to something new.

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  • SB Profound WC 5536Join us for this hour-long webcast that will explore:

  • Fortra IT managers hoping to find new IBM i talent are discovering that the pool of experienced RPG programmers and operators or administrators with intimate knowledge of the operating system and the applications that run on it is small. This begs the question: How will you manage the platform that supports such a big part of your business? This guide offers strategies and software suggestions to help you plan IT staffing and resources and smooth the transition after your AS/400 talent retires. Read on to learn: