April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022 | Volume 14 Issue 69
- LEAD ARTICLE: Building Python Applications That Work with Db2, Part 3
- FEATURED WHITE PAPER: 2022 IBM i Marketplace Survey Results
- FEATURED NEWS: Public and Private Sectors Must Collaborate in the New Cyber Era
- WHITE PAPER DOWNLOAD: Profound Logic Solution Guide
- WEBCAST LEARNING: Low Code: A Digital Transformation of Supply Chain and Logistics
- MC VIDEO SHOWCASE: TLAForms - Software to Design and Generate Forms on IBM i
- EVENT: 2022 April OCEAN Meeting - Webinar - Ray Everhart of Fresche Solutions

Building Python Applications That Work with Db2, Part 3
Transaction Processing: Retrieving Query Results. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.
By Roger Sanders
Editor's Note: This article is excerpted from chapter 6 of QuickStart Guide to Db2 Development with Python, by Roger Sanders.
When an SQL statement other than the SELECTstatement is executed, the only additional processing that might be performed is a check of the return code produced to verify the statement executed as expected. Or, a check to determine how many rows were affected by the operation. However, when a SELECTstatement (i.e., a query) is executed, any results that might have been produced will typically need to be retrieved and processed. With the ibm_db library, all the query results produced can be copied to a dictionary, tuple, or both (by calling the ibm_db.fetch_assoc(), ibm_db.fetch_tuple(), or ibm_db.fetch_both() API).Alternately,theibm_db.fetch_row()API can be used to advance the cursor to the next row (or move the cursor to a specific row) in a…
IBM Quantum Computer Demonstrates Next Step Towards Moving Beyond Classical Supercomputing

2022 IBM i Marketplace Survey Results
By HelpSystems
Editor's note: This article introduces the February 2022 Report: 2022 IBM i Marketplace Survey Results, which is available to download from the MC White Paper Center.
Cybersecurity continues to top the charts as the main concern when planning an IT environment.
Perhaps the most consistent data point in the IBM i Marketplace Survey Results is the ongoing cybersecurity threat. Over the past six years, cybersecurity has been the main concern for people planning their IT environment, and this year was no exception. Although it has decreased since last year’s results, 62% of respondents still said this was their number one concern. And although organizations prioritizing security seem to be implementing multiple solutions, it is still alarming that, on average, almost 30% of respondents do not plan to implement each of the surveyed cybersecurity solutions. If your organization has concerns over IBM i cybersecurity skills, managed security services could be a way of filling in any holes.
More than ever, there is a demand for IT to deliver innovation. Your IBM i has been an essential part of your business operations for years. However, your organization may struggle to maintain the current system and implement new projects. The thousands of customers we've worked with and surveyed state that expectations regarding the digital footprint and vision of the company are not aligned with the current IT environment. Get your copy of this important guide today! Download your copy today! |
Supply Chain is becoming increasingly complex and unpredictable. From raw materials for manufacturing to food supply chains, the journey from source to production to delivery to consumers is marred with inefficiencies, manual processes, shortages, recalls, counterfeits, and scandals.
Watch Now. |

Public and Private Sectors Must Collaborate in the New Cyber Era
It was great to be back in person recently gathering with new and old colleagues at the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) Spring Summit.
By Howard Boville | Head of IBM Hybrid Cloud Platform
After two long years, it was inspiring to connect with leaders in the financial services space and hear about their needs as they contend with the evolving threat landscape.