Q: The AS/400 SQL optimizer sometimes uses an access path when I do SQL queries. I think it would be faster to sort the records directly, after selecting them. Is there a way to get AS/400 SQL to do this?
A: Apply PTF SF27499 for V3R1, which gives the SQL optimizer permission to do a sort when necessary. The product code for this PTF is 5763SS1. This may speed up your queries when you are selecting just a few records out of a large table.
- Brian Singleton
Brian Singleton is former editor of Midrange Computing. He has worked in the IBM midrange arena for many years, performing every job from backup operator to programmer to systems analyst to technology analyst for major corporations and IBM Business Partners. He also has an extensive background in the PC world. Brian also developed a line of bestselling Midrange Computing training videos, authored the bestselling i5/OS and Microsoft Office Integration Handbook, and has spoken at many popular seminars and conferences.
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