Here is a partial list of free tools or utilities that you can download to your iSeries.
- CGI TOOLS A service program of procedures that allow you to use CGI programming APIs more easily
- DBG/400 A collection of integrated utilities that help set up a test environment
- Work with Database File A database update utility that allows you to view or modify the contents of a database file
- iSeries-toolkit A collection of tools and utilities that can get you started programming in RPG IV
- JTOpen The open source version of the IBM toolbox for Java
- AS/400 FeedBack Ware A set of programmer utilities written by Craig Rutledge
- CGI Developer Tools "CGIDEV2" A collection of CGI procedures written by Mel Rothman of IBM Rochester, wrapped together with some useful commands that make creating CGI Web applications much easier
In addition, a new organization is being formed as I write this--the iSeries Open Source Organization ( They will soon have a Web site up, and, hopefully, they'll offer some free open-source downloads. Right now, the site is still under construction, but it seems like they're doing something promising. I'll keep you posted on their progress.
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