TechTalk: Saving Access Paths May Be Pointless

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A while back we had a DASD failure and had to do a complete restore of our system. We are on V2R1M0 and we have in place a daily SAVCHGOBJ with ACCPTH(*YES) and a weekly SAVSYS and SAVLIB *NONSYS ACCPTH(*YES). During our restore we noticed that we had access paths being rebuilt in subsystems QDBSRV1 and QDBSRV2. We were very puzzled in that our backups were done with access path save *YES. After a frantic call to IBM, the only response at that time was that we should look at the Edit Rebuild Access Path (EDTRBDAP) command, and check what files have been queued up for access path rebuild.

After running this command we were even more stunned to see pages and pages of files to be rebuilt. Our worst problem was that the majority of the logicals were over very large physical files which meant they took hours to rebuild.

When we had finally restored our system and were running again, I requested PTF SF97210 (Summary of Available V2R1M0 PTFs), did a quick search on ACCESS and came across the following:


I immediately requested the PTF's cover letter through ECS. As I was reading the cover letter I got a call back from IBM; when they did their database search on our problem, they also came up with PTF SF10498.

Be warned that this PTF, which was available on July 13, 1992, is not in any cumulative PTF tape or HIPER list at the time of this writing!



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