Customer Satisfaction, Data Security Top Concerns of COMMON Europe Survey

Survey Results
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Students want free or reduced-cost certifications, business users want better marketing. 

COMMON Europe conducted its annual 2009 Top Concerns survey in May and June with global participation. It obtained 547 participants from Europe, Americas, and Australasia, including customers, IBM employees, and IBM Business Partners and ISVs. The Top Concerns Survey enables COMMON Europe to understand member priorities and to influence IBM and its Business Partners as well as to share priorities among worldwide users.

The survey showed that "satisfy internal customers" and "treat data security and confidentiality as a business risk" are the topmost concerns for worldwide Power system/System i or other IBM systems users. They are followed by "improve IT security and continuity", "receive consistent high quality service and support from vendors", "keep the skills current for the existing staff", and "make me grow as a more competent individual." Surprisingly, "correctly measure the value of IT to business" and "assure better data warehousing" are 14 and 16 in a list of 16.


Here is a summary of the responses to a series of questions pertaining to activities or trends in IT shops this year: 

1) IT running (in charge of its own) budgets in 2009: 39 percent decreased, 9 percent increased, 8 percent stable and 44 percent do not know;

2) New-project investment 2009: 40 percent decreased, 12 percent increased, 11 percent stable and 36 percent do not know;

3) Migrating in 2009 to IBM i 6.1: 9.0 percent already done, 4.2 percent ordered, 28.2 percent planned, 45.1 percent not yet, 7.6 percent not user and 5.9 percent no information;

4) Migrating in 2009 to Power Systems: 23.9 percent already done, 1.7 percent ordered, 13.0 percent planned; 40.8 percent not yet; 14.1 percent not user and 6.5 percent no information;

5) Migrating in 2009 to blades with IBM i 6.1: 2.3 percent already done, 1.1 percent ordered, 4.5 percent planned, 56.6 percent not yet, 28.2 percent not user and 7.3 percent no information.

Participants also expressed concerns that were not polled by the survey. These included  "better marketing of the System i, System i survival" and "modernize applications" were the most frequently cited unlisted concerns.

Academic Concerns

COMMON Europe says it is pleased to have conducted the first Top Academic Concerns Survey for IBM Academic Initiative participants. There have been 48 responses to date by students and professors. A special voting for Polish students is still underway. This special set of questions was selected by the students and staff at Austrian and Polish Academic Initiative institutions. As with the traditional survey, the one for the academic community was available on the COMMON Europe website and offered its own incentives for Web and "on-the-spot" voting.

COMMON did a preliminary analysis of results from student participation in the Top Academic Concerns survey that shows "free academic System i certification (for students)" and "recycle used systems for students (instead of destroying them)" are the top academic concerns for participating students. They are followed by "discounted IBM professional certifications for students", "free or discounted attendance to conferences for students", and "easier access to demo and training (on) IBM Power Systems." For more information on the Top Academic Concerns 2009, contact Christoph Cuscoleca, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Grzegorz Siwiec, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

COMMON Europe said it can point to System i policy and platform changes, including "server consolidation, low-cost disks and memory, user-based pricing, availability of a reasonably priced low-end server, removal of the 'interactive tax,' secure perspective, and data encryption" as outcomes it believes are directly or indirectly related to results of earlier COMMON Europe surveys.

IBM's Alison Butterill, application development offering manager, Power Systems Software, helped with a prize drawing at COMMON Europe's Congress and Power Academy by randomly selecting the winning names for awarding many great prizes; results were announced June 9 during the closing session.

Top Concerns and Top Academic Concerns 2009 preliminary results are available at the COMMON Europe web site These surveys are global and multilingual in order to reach Power System and System i customers as well as IBM Academic Initiative participants worldwide. Respondents rated 16 Top Concerns on a scale of 1 to 10 and each added a "Golden Concern."

About COMMON Europe

COMMON Europe (CE), an association of IBM computer users, is an umbrella organization of national IBM user associations, representing most European countries. Its aims are "boost peer networking, provide advanced education and training, spearhead IBM strategy, accelerate an ongoing open dialogue with IBM and influence the setting of international standards". It is a non profit association of companies, organizations and individuals, who are involved in IT solutions, using IBM mid-range architecture and solutions. For more information, please visit or contact Jan Leth-Kjaer, COMMON Europe president, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..    

About Top Concerns Surveys                        

The Top Concerns Surveys are a strategic feature of COMMON Europe. For previous results, please visit or contact Ranga (Shrirang U.) Deshpande, project leader, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

COMMON Europe, a user community of IBM based solutions, is an umbrella organization of European national IBM midrange user groups. Its aims are “boost networking, share experiences, provide advanced education and training, influence IBM products and solution strategy, offer savings and efficiencies to its members and accelerate an ongoing open dialogue with IBM”. It is a non profit community of companies, organisations and individuals using IBM solutions. For more information, please visit or contact Jan Leth-Kjaer, CE president, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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