OCEAN User Meeting to Be Held Aug. 21 in Costa Mesa, Calif.

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The OCEAN User Group will hold its monthly meeting from 6:00û8:30 p.m. Aug. 21 at the IBM offices in Costa Mesa, California. Industry expert Craig Pelkie will speak on JDBC for i5 programmers.

Join the group for its "Second Annual Hot Summer Night of Programming Tips" and learn what i5 programmers need to know about JDBC. Attendees will have an opportunity to win a door prize to take to the beach!

Craig Pelkie will explain step-by-step how to access other databases from the System i using JDBC. You will find out what's needed to acquire, install, configure, and use a JDBC driver to connect your System i to another database. Attendees will also see sample Java code that you can adapt to fit your requirements.

In addition to native DB2, there are many other databases that run business-critical applications in System i shops: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and MySQL to name a few. Although you can often use bulk ETL (extract, transform, load) operations to move data from one database to another, sometimes you need immediate access to data from your own programs.

IBM doesn't provide the tools needed as part of i5/OS, and although IBM, other database vendors, and third-party software companies, provide tools to link databases, you may not have the budget to acquire one of these.

The good news is that virtually all commercially used databases have no-charge JDBC drivers that you can freely download from the database vendor's Web site. Once you have the JDBC driver, you can install it on your System i. You can then use a relatively simple Java program, running on your System i, to access the off-platform database. Best of all, you can access your System i DB2 database within the same Java program, or provide easy-to-use data queue messaging techniques to let your Java database handler work with your RPG programs. So don't struggle with complicated APIs or cumbersome data transfer techniques. Come to the August OCEAN User Group meeting and learn about a technique that you can use to access data from any database!

The OCEAN meeting will be held at the IBM Offices, Plaza Tower Building, 600 Anton Blvd., Room 221, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Friends, colleagues, and customers are welcome, but to help plan food, please make a reservation online at OCEAN User Group. For more information, contact Bob Langieri, OCEAN vice president of publicity at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 949.240.0438.

Next month's meeting will be at the same location from 10 a.m.û2 p.m. Sept. 13 and will feature Steve Dahl speaking on the new Power6 processor and the direction of the System i.

For information, contact Chris Bogan at 1.415.545.2566, or cell, 1.415.531.0789 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Check the OCEAN Web site at OCEAN for updates.



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