Jon Paris and Susan Gantner head up the all-star team of IBM i speakers presenting the latest technical material during a multi-track day of 35 training sessions.
Drawing on a talent pool from across the country and across the globe, the OCEAN User Group will host its 19th Annual Catch-the-Wave Technical Conference and Expo July 20 in Costa Mesa, California. Among featured speakers will be Jon Paris and Susan Gantner of Partner400, who will be flying in from Toronto, Canada; Alan Seiden, a sought after PHP-on-IBM i expert consultant from the New Jersey/New York metro area; Pete Massiello, immediate past president of COMMON and president of iTech Solutions Group in Connecticut, and the Chicago area's Joe Pluta co-founder of PlutaBrothers and a veteran consultant, author, trainer, and founding member of the JTOpen project as well as a regular contributor to both the commercial and open source versions of EGL and now Android. To register, click here.

In addition to Paris, Gantner, Seiden, Massiello, and Pluta, the top-notch team of presenters will include Craig Pelkie, Paul Holm, Dave Brown, Andy Chase, Richard Milone, Scott Salisbury, Eamon Musallam, Alex Roytman, Eric Finkel and others. All are leading industry experts and recognized trainers in IBM i technology and techniques, Windows, mobile and Internet environments. All of the speakers are widely known throughout the U.S. and Canada and have honed their skills in front of user and industry groups across North America, Europe, and other parts of the world.
"This has got to be one of the best lineups of speakers OCEAN has ever had in the 19 years the organization has been hosting the Technical Conference," said Bob Langieri, conference chairman. "I and the other OCEAN Board members are absolutely thrilled that these speakers are emphasizing the 'openness' of the IBM i platform to readily handle GUI and mobile devices and leveraging the solid legacy systems of the IBM i with the way users want to get their information. There has never been a more important time than now for companies to realize the real value of having their businesses on the IBM i platform."
The early-registration cost for the one-day conference—which includes continental breakfast and lunch—is $175 for OCEAN members and $275 non-members. After June 25, the price goes to $225 for members and $325 for non-members.
Click here for the complete session schedule. Highlights of the event include the following:
- Application modernization and strategic technology innovation
- 30 sessions for IBM i developers, managers, and systems administrators
- Application development including RPG open source, tips and tricks to make your SQL sing
- Developing mobile applications, Web 2.0 and mobile, enabling IBM i apps for iPhone, Android, or Blackberry
- HTML5 and SQL tools and application modernization
- PHP–beginner to advanced; Web development framework, PHP, Web services, new features for IBM i 7.1 and SOA
- Infrastructure and systems management, hardware planning, Systems Director/Navigator, virtual i partitions, improve system performance and save disk space, what you need to know to upgrade to IBM i 6.1 or 7.1
- Vendor solutions expo featuring 16 IBM i solution vendors sponsoring four free vendor presentations in addition to the regular 30 fee-based classes conducted by invited speakers
Registration is green, meaning no paper, so please go online to the OCEAN website Conference Registration page. Write the registration code you will be given directly onto your remittance.
The only technical training event of its kind in the western United States, the OCEAN Technical Conference is fee based, but the vendor expo is free and open to the public. The conference is expected to draw 150—200 attendees.
OCEAN User Group is a COMMON Affiliate Member and a nonprofit professional organization. For more information, and periodic updates on speakers and topics, check the OCEAN User Group's Web site, or contact Bob Langieri, conference chairman at
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