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SSA OnePoint Consulting Services helps identify improvement opportunities, analyze business problems, capture business requirements, add value to systems, and manage change. It delivers the in-depth product and industry expertise necessary to help realize ... Read More...


SSA Sales Force Automation (SFA) has the tools to manage the entire sales cycle: lead routing and prioritization, contact management, opportunity and pipeline management, call scripting, and mobile access.


SSA Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps optimize interactions with customers. Whether the aim is to take better advantage of inbound marketing opportunities, conduct smarter outbound marketing campaigns, or increase the effectiveness of sales and ... Read More...


With SSA OnePoint Education Services, customers gain skills that help them use their solutions to the fullest. We offer three options, so it's easy to participate: Classroom Training, Virtual Training, and Onsite Training.


SSA Workflow

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Automated workflow and event management capabilities enable organizations to define and enforce business processes and measure business performance. SSA Workflow delivers tangible business results including higher quality and productivity and greater cont ... Read More...


SSA Open Architecture helps support current and future operations with an open, standardized, service-oriented architecture foundation that decreases user confusion, keeps training budgets in line, and helps meet compliance requirements. It serves as a co ... Read More...


Services enable business managers to make enhanced, real-time decisions about business transactions affecting their cash flow cycle. In addition, IT managers can visibly track network traffic and better ensure on-time delivery of critical business documen ... Read More...

Citrix Software

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Which offer a new approach to achieving higher levels of information availability. These services take disaster recovery to the next level, helping provide greater precision in recovery timeframes, locations and data points.


Accelerate and control any iSeries model to achieve the best system response times, more predictable performance and automate many system management tasks.


Protect your sensitive data, consolidate the management of IT security across platforms and comply with security best practices and audit-related regulations, including SOX, HIPAA, SB 1386, FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11, the Basel II Accord and European privacy la ... Read More...

TypeService Software

Unique real-time iSeries application problem detection, diagnosis and resolution, integrating advanced debugging and testing tools.


Inspect any iSeries job and displays otherwise inaccessible internal job information. Problems in batch or interactive jobs can be researched and diagnosed.


Needing assistance performing modifications, conversions, new application coding, contact us today!


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  • LANSA Business users want new applications now. Market and regulatory pressures require faster application updates and delivery into production. Your IBM i developers may be approaching retirement, and you see no sure way to fill their positions with experienced developers. In addition, you may be caught between maintaining your existing applications and the uncertainty of moving to something new.

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  • SB Profound WC 5536Join us for this hour-long webcast that will explore:

  • Fortra IT managers hoping to find new IBM i talent are discovering that the pool of experienced RPG programmers and operators or administrators with intimate knowledge of the operating system and the applications that run on it is small. This begs the question: How will you manage the platform that supports such a big part of your business? This guide offers strategies and software suggestions to help you plan IT staffing and resources and smooth the transition after your AS/400 talent retires. Read on to learn: