Level 2: Systems Operations Suite
Real-time automation of system assurance, security auditing and alerting for your IBM i.
In addition to handling IBM i messages, job queues, output queues and devices for issues or threshold breaches, this new software release allows for the proactive monitoring of key business applications, FTP activity, the security audit journal, the automatic management of system events as well as supporting flexible scheduling of critical alerts.
Outsourcers, corporate data centers and end-users can now be confident that their IBM i is running at its full potential and their system uptime is maximized.
- Avoid potential disasters and late night support calls caused by incomplete or failed processes
- Demonstrate to internal and external auditors, the ability to monitor security breaches in real-time
- Monitor any application running on the IBM i and automate key routine tasks
- Be alerted if customized system thresholds are breached, including overall response times, memory and CPU activity
- Be alerted if uncapped LPAR processing capacity thresholds are breached
- Detect overrunning or job in error and perform dynamic re-time remedial actions to address potential downtime
- Ensure important user profiles remain ‘enabled’ at all times and track any failed sign-on attempts
- Track the creation, deletion and size of any object in any file system running on the IBM i, including Integrated File System
- Schedule restricted state tasks such as a full system save, reclaim storage and IPL to run unattended. Also receive completion or failure notifications via SMS