Zend Technologies, Inc.
Zend is the PHP Company
Businesses utilizing PHP know Zend as the place to go for PHP expertise and sound technology solutions. Zend's founders Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski are key contributors to PHP and the creators of the core PHP scripting engine, the Zend Engine. Because of their internationally recognized expertise, the company continues to provide important leadership for PHP and other open source communities, and plays a central role in the explosive growth of PHP.
Zend Server for IBM i is a complete, enterprise-ready solution for running and managing PHP applications that require a high level of reliability, performance and security.
• Business-grade PHP – Up-to-date, fully tested, supported and documented PHP stack ensures high reliability and minimal risk
• Deployment with confidence – A consistent, complete environment used in development, testing and production eliminates many of the problem you may encounter during deployment
• Rapid response to problems – Application monitoring and diagnostics enable early problem detection and quick root cause analysis, while code tracing ensures that production issues can be rapidly analyzed and fixed
• Top application performance – Built-in optimization and acceleration ensures high performance and low resource utilization
• Leverage the power of IBM i – Features specific to the IBM i world, like the 5250 bridge and PHP toolkit, make PHP applications easy to build and run on IBM i