Tally and Genicom have teamed up to form the new TallyGenicom. With over 50 years of experience and with operations across the globe, we’re now one of the largest companies in the world specializing in business-class printers. We offer the widest selection of ultra-reliable business and industrial printers, printing solutions, printer supplies, printer parts, and service. We provide a full range of impact and laser printers, including line matrix, serial matrix, industrial ink jet, monochrome laser and color laser. Whether you print bar codes, labels, bills of lading, invoices or other critical documents, we offer the advanced technology and customized solutions that keep your business running. Our products are used in most major industries including retail, healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, government, public safety, aviation, transportation and warehousing/distribution.Address
4500 Daly Drive
Suite 100
, Chantilly, 20151, VA, USA
800-436-4266 / 703.633.8700