I.T. Action, Inc.
IT Action is your best choice for Information Technology management consulting and programming services in the AS/400, Windows NT and Internet markets. We can develop and implement cost-effective solutions to meet your unique needs. By specializing in these three technology areas, we can provide end-to-end solutions. Depending on your needs, our professional staff can design, develop and implement your Internet and AS/400 solutions through all stages: Install your Local Area Network Connect your LAN to the Internet Secure your Local Area Network (VPN, Proxy, Firewall Services) Implement Windows Internet Information Server (IIS) Secure your web site with NT Security Secure your AS/400 Database Connect your AS/400 data to the Internet Design, develop and Implement your Internet solution By using Windows NT as our web server of choice, you reap the benefits of load-sharing, multi-layered security and leading-edge functionality while retaining your mission-critical data on your AS/400.Address
PO Box 14750, Long Beach, 90853, CA, USA
(562) 961 6719
509 463 5020