EXFO is a recognized test and measurement expert in the global telecommunications industry. The Telecom Division, which represents our main business activity, offers a full suite of test solutions and monitoring systems to network service providers, cable TV operators, telecom system vendors and component manufacturers in approximately 70 countries. EXFO is the global market leader for portable optical test solutions and a leading supplier of protocol and access test solutions to enable triple-play deployments and converged IP networking. Our PC/Windows-based modular FTB-200, FTB-400 and IQS-500 test platforms host a wide range of modular test solutions across optical, physical, data and network layers, while maximizing technology reuse across several market segments. The Life Sciences and Industrial Division, which leverages several core telecom technologies, offers value-added solutions in the life sciences and high-precision assembly sectors based on advanced spot-curing, fluorescence microscopy and nanopositioning solutions.Address
400 Godin Avenue, Vanier, G1M 2K2, QC, Canada
(800) 663-3936 / (418) 683-0211
(418) 683-2170