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Published Title Author Hits
01 May 1996 TechTalk: Pass data through imports and exports in RPG IV. MC Press Contributing Author 5,309
01 May 1996 TechTalk: Use the CLEAR operation against files opened for input. MC Press Contributing Author 4,633
01 May 1996 Configuring the Windows 95 Client Access ODBC Driver Brian Singleton 6,267
01 May 1996 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,146
01 May 1996 TechTalk: Speed up month-end file purge jobs. MC Press Contributing Author 3,364
01 May 1996 TechTalk: Split up consecutive processing jobs. MC Press Contributing Author 3,289
01 May 1996 TechTalk: Add a news line to the sign-on display. Guest.Visitor 4,178
01 May 1996 CA/400 for Windows 95 Gets Connectivity Boost Thomas Stockwell 3,511
01 May 1996 In the world of heterogeneous computing the winner is . . . Thomas Stockwell 3,751
01 May 1996 Still Waiting for Unity? Thomas Stockwell 3,607
01 May 1996 Crush Me, Squeeze Me, Make Me Wine Victor Rozek 4,070
01 May 1996 TechTalk: Secure disconnects for PC Support users. Guest.Visitor 3,961
01 April 1996 TechTalk: When it comes to case, an ODBC driver may be a little sensitive. Guest.Visitor 4,217
01 April 1996 TechTalk: Why does ODBC return a "column *N not found" error? Brian Singleton 4,318
01 April 1996 TechTalk: A quick and easy way to find a subroutine in an RPG program. MC Press Contributing Author 3,200
01 April 1996 Getting the Most Performance from ODBC Query and Development Tools Lance Amundsen 6,380
01 April 1996 How to Safely Start the CA Router Guest.Visitor 4,037
01 April 1996 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,139
01 April 1996 TechTalk: Another view of objects. Ira Shapiro 3,808
01 April 1996 TechTalk: Automatically move spooled files from one output queue to another. MC Press Contributing Author 5,925
01 April 1996 TechTalk: Use job accounting to help you keep track of spooled files that have printed. MC Press Contributing Author 3,387
01 April 1996 TechTalk: A method that allows users to retrieve commands run through a menu. Ted Holt 3,200
01 April 1996 TechTalk: What happens when the system job counter goes past 999999? MC Press Contributing Author 3,241
01 April 1996 TechTalk: How can the library list be changed for a subsystem? MC Press Contributing Author 3,241
01 April 1996 Building Commitments Thomas Stockwell 4,450
01 April 1996 Adrenaline Rush Victor Rozek 3,496
01 April 1996 SQL Minimalism Thomas Stockwell 5,808
01 April 1996 OS/400 CL Power from SQL Brian Singleton 9,073
01 April 1996 TechTalk: How to get the results of an interactive SQL statement into a file. Brian Singleton 5,053
01 April 1996 TechTalk: Giving the SQL optimizer permission to sort records. Brian Singleton 4,077
01 April 1996 TechTalk: Beware the change made to the password validation program. MC Press Contributing Author 3,641
01 April 1996 Job Queue Monitor Utility MC Press Contributing Author 6,970
01 March 1996 Flexible Date Selection with OPNQRYF MC Press Contributing Author 7,132
01 March 1996 TechTalk: An RPG IV date calculation routine. MC Press Contributing Author 6,360
01 March 1996 TechTalk: Getting started with the ILE Dynamic Screen Manager APIs. MC Press Contributing Author 8,595
01 March 1996 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 2,294
01 March 1996 Maximizing Performance with Client Access/400 ODBC Lance Amundsen 7,875
01 March 1996 TechTalk: Have enough disk space available when performing a save operation. MC Press Contributing Author 3,656
01 March 1996 Deregulation Victor Rozek 3,636
01 March 1996 TechTalk: Using character functions in Query and SQL on numeric fields. MC Press Contributing Author 4,646
01 March 1996 The Display User Screen Utility Albert York 6,409
01 February 1996 Applying User Index APIs Guest.Visitor 8,255
01 February 1996 The Hierarchical File System APIs Guest.Visitor 7,105
01 February 1996 Security Patrol Guest.Visitor 4,663
01 February 1996 Application-only Access: Implementing the Strategy Guest.Visitor 4,489
01 February 1996 TechTalk: Download PTFs in batch to avoid tying up your terminal. Guest.Visitor 3,464
01 February 1996 TechTalk: Shared data paths may cause you problems. Brian Singleton 3,202
01 February 1996 TechTalk: Your tape density may not be what you expect. Guest.Visitor 3,229
01 February 1996 TechTalk: Print graphics on the AS/400 with a PC Support conversion trick. Thomas Stockwell 5,668
01 February 1996 TechTalk: Prepare for V3R6 program conversion. Brian Singleton 3,156