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Choose one or more of these recently added downloads in our MC White Paper Center

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New Ebook from Townsend Security available now.

IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

A Step by Step Guide
Active monitoring is one of the most critical and effective security controls that an organization can deploy. Unlike many Windows and Linux server deployments, the IBM i can host a complex mix of back-office applications, web applications, and open source applications and services - leaving millions of security events to actively monitor.
This eBook discusses:

  • Real-time security event logging and monitoring
  • Security architecture and logging sources on the IBM i
  • Creating the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN
  • Enabling IBM security events through system values
  • File integrity monitoring (FIM)
  • A step by step checklist begin collecting and monitoring IBM i security logs

Element Break

3 Compelling Drivers for Implementing an HA Solution on an IBM i Cloud with MIMIX

1. Affordable Cloud Solutions

2. Efficiencies of MIMIX

3. Rising Cost of Downtime

This white paper is a collaborative effort between Connectria Hosting, a pioneer in the development of the IBM i Cloud, and Vision Solutions, the leader in High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions including MIMIX®, the standard for complete, scalable HA/DR protection for the IBM i.

It will provide a review of the core causes and costs of both planned and unplanned downtime and will then provide a detailed discussion of current options for IBM i High Availability and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud.

Most importantly, as you read you will learn why true HA and DR protection are now within reach of even the smallest of businesses.

Element Break

2016 State of IBM i Security Study

Drawing participants from healthcare, communication, transportation, finance, and many other industries, the 2016 State of IBM i Security Study analyzed 177 servers and partitions. Now in its 13th year, the study provides compelling insight into security weaknesses affecting many IBM i systems. Some of the most dangerous defects include:

  • Unmonitored network access
  • Lax system auditing
  • Dangerous default security settings

The alarming results show improperly configured servers where users are allowed to keep default passwords and traffic passes through exit points like FTP and SQL unmonitored.

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2016 State of IBM i Modernization White Paper

After surveying 400+ IBM i professionals, we discovered:

  • The state of IBM i modernization in today's businesses and their goals for the future
  • The effect legacy applications have on the businesses' internal and external processes
  • The #1 concern upper managers have with the IBM i, and how to combat it

...and much much more!

Download your copy of The 2016 State of IBM i Modernization today.

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DR Strategy Guide from Maxava: Brand New Edition - now fully updated to include Cloud!



Download your free copy of DR Strategy Guide for IBM i today.

The DR Strategy Guide for IBM i is brought to you by Maxava – innovative global leaders in High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions for IBM i.

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2016 IBM i Marketplace Survey Results

Now in its second year, HelpSystems surveyed over 800 IBM i users from around the world to produce the IBM i Marketplace Survey Results. The expanded 2016 survey builds on last year’s results to provide even greater insight into the IBM i marketplace.

From manufacturing and retail to finance and healthcare, IBM i professionals from around the world reported their plans and concerns for their IT environments, revealing how IBM i is being used and how it relates to their broader IT objectives.

Download the survey results to see how over 800 of your peers on the platform address:

  • Modernization & mobile applications
  • Hardware & operating systems
  • IT concerns & initiatives
  • Data growth, storage, & security
  • The future of IBM i

Element Break

5 Winning Strategies to Combat Information Overload

Today’s businesses must be available 24/7 with fewer people having to manage more complex systems and processes.

IT departments receive a constant bombardment of information from a diverse variety of operating systems, business applications, and critical processes and support a complex array of servers and devices running across their entire network.

With tight resources and the need to keep costs in check, more and more is expected of IT operational staff to handle this information efficiently. They need to ensure a swift response with appropriate actions, that essential data is received at the right time, prove service levels are maintained, that contingency and high availability strategies are fully operational, and that vital business activities run smoothly and without disruption.

What kind of safety net processes can you put in place so you can combat information overload, yet not miss a single thing, drop the ball, or cause a negative impact on the business—and more importantly, how do you go about it?

Learn how to handle the daily deluge of information and discover five strategies you can deploy to become an IT superhero in your organization.

Element Break

2015 Guide to Manufacturing Software

For all manufacturing industries, growth remains top of mind. Post-recession cautiousness has given way to confidence and more ambitious business goals. From automotive to fashion, more manufacturing leaders are ready to take bigger risks in the hopes of bigger payoffs, and optimism is the highest it’s been in years.

To help manufacturers choose the right software in a rapidly changing industry landscape, this guide will explore four key technologies that are essential to any successful manufacturing operation:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
  • Configure Price Quote (CPQ)
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)

We’ll discuss the market trends increasing the need for adoption of each technology, provide a “shopper’s checklist” of essential features and functions, and share success stories from real-life industry leaders. This guide will also outline how Infor’s industry-specific software and cloud-based technology are helping global companies thrive.

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Plus Choose From The Outstanding Full Selection in our MC White Paper Center

*Some offers may be limited to U.S. and/or Canadian citizens only. Please see the site for details.

The MC Resource Centers bring you the widest selection of white papers, software, webcasts and more for you to choose from and at MC Press we're all about choice. We're even giving one lucky person the opportunity to choose their own prize in our "It's All About Choice" contest for a $250 Best Buy gift card.  Visit the MC Webcast, MC White Paper and MC Software Centers today and select as many of the FREE offerings you would like to receive. While there, enter the contest and you may just win a $250 Best Buy gift card!

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