Are you sure it's not the SQL itself that is slow? What release are you on? Which version of CA?
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Accessing 400 data through VB Script
Accessing 400 data through VB Script
I have written a VB script that validates OCR data against data on the 400. Here is what I am doing:Dim objConnection Dim objRecordset Dim strSQLQuery Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConnection.Provider = "MSDASQL" objConnection.ConnectionString = "myas400" objConnection.Open strSQLQuery = "select fscins, amount, dosfrom, dosto, servcodes.svccode, " &_ " servcodes.svcasacode from invheader, invdetail, servcodes, " &_ "patheader where invdetail.invnum = " & zAptNum_aac.CurrentLine.Value &_ " And invdetail.svccode = servcodes.svccodeih And transtype='C' " &_ "and svctype1 = 'C' And invheader.invnum=invdetail.invnum " &_ "and patheader.mrn=invheader.mrn " Set objRecordset = objConnection.Execute(strSQLQuery)
This works fine, except that it seems rather slow. What other connection methods are there that might be faster? Thanks, Joe