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HELP!! Intermittent Java stored procedure problem

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  • prospec@iol.ie

    HELP!! Intermittent Java stored procedure problem

    Hi, I have a Java stored procedure that I am calling from an RPG IV program. It works fine 99% of the time, but occasionally it gives me the following error: "CPDB520 - Error 5 detected on application programming interface" Error 5 is reported as "The JVM could not be found. It was never created or has been destroyed". The error seems to occur after a significant time delay between calls to the stored procedure from the same job. I think this means that the JVM has been removed from memory, maybe garbage collected. But how can I fix the problem? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Liam.
  • prospec@iol.ie

    HELP!! Intermittent Java stored procedure problem

    Hi, Has anyone got any ideas on this? Regards, Liam.

