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FTP doesn't recog. records

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  • bcbose@yahoo.com

    FTP doesn't recog. records

    Hi, In my flat file I have some records (say 3). When I FTP to the NT server from AS/400 all the 3 records are going as a single record in to the NT server. But I need them as 3 records in the destination also. Could any one please tell me how to solve this problem. e.g Source file[*]********** Record1 Record2 Record3 Destination file[*]*************** Record1Record2Record3 But I want as Record1 Record2 Record3 TIA. Chandra
  • Guest.Visitor

    FTP doesn't recog. records

    write a program to add a line feed or carriage return at the end of each record. In RPGIV, it'd be something like:
     D Crg_Rtn C const(x'0D') D Line_Feed C const(x'25') D End_Of_Line C const(x'0D25') C Eval Data_Rec = %trim(Rec_Frm_File) + Crg_Rtn 

