I've set up e-mail on our V4.4 machine as per instructions from Frazil Berber in this forum. However when I SNDDST I get the message 'Send distribution completed successfully' but nothing ever gets delivered. I'm sending e-mail to a gateway which we use for PC e-mail and to surf the web. The gateway has a firewall but as far as I can tell it should all work. If I try to ping an internet address I get a message 'Cannot reach remote system' - but am I expected to ? Any suggestions. Thanks. Peter
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Cannot get AS/400 e-mail to work
Cannot get AS/400 e-mail to work
Peter, Have you added the gateway ip address to your TCP/IP host table? Also, did you configure your SMTP MAILROUTER parameter to the host entry name or IP address. Also, did you specify *YES on the FIREWALL parameter? You also will want to make sure your SMTP servers are started and that your distribution queues are in a WAITING status. HTH, Cheryl
Cannot get AS/400 e-mail to work
Here are the instructions I use to setup e-mail on our systems, use at own risk (names and addresses have been changed to protect the innocent):The following assumes that TCP has been previously configured. 1. Type CFGTCP, and select option 10. Create an entry with INTNETADR('999.999.999.999?') HOSTNAME('Srvname') TEXT('Our mail server') 2. Select option 12 from CFGTCP menu. Enter HOSTNAME(?current system?) DMNNAME(?company.com?) HOSTSCHPTY(*REMOTE) INTNETADR('888.888.888.888')<- DNS Server 3. CHGSMTPA AUTOSTART(*YES) MAILROUTER('Srvname') 4. ADDDIRE USRID(INTERNET GATEWAY) URSD(?Internet SMTP gateway?) SYSNAME(INTERNET) PREFADR(NETUSRID *IBM ATCONTXT) 5. CHGDSTA SMTPRTE(INTERNET GATEWAY) 6. ENDTCPSVR *SMTP 7. ENDMSF 8. STRTCPSVR *SMTP 9. STRMSF
I did a ipconfig /all from the DOS window on NT to determine the address for our DNS server. Also, if the time stamp on your mail messages are incorrect, do a search in this forum for QUTCOFFSET and select the post by Ricardo. Good luck
Cannot get AS/400 e-mail to work
Peter, Have you registered your internet email address in your directory entry in the AS/400? You need to do this if you want your AS/400 user-id to be able to send internet email. Use the CHGDIRE command to enter your personal internet-email address. This address must exist in your mail server and is passed to the internet as the sender of the email.Example: CHGGDIRE USRID(your dir entry) + USRDFNFLD((SMTPAUSRID SMTP 'your user name') + (SMTPDMN SMTP 'your domain name')
By the way, once you get this working, I suggest you speak with your LAN administrator and arrange for a special email address for the AS/400's day-to-day sender-address. This will eliminate confusion over which email came from you and which came from the AS/400.
Cannot get AS/400 e-mail to work
Are you getting any error messages in the following QSYSWRK jobs?:QMSF QTSMT*
Maybe old messages are causing a problem, to clear them:1. ENDTCPSVR *SMTP 2. CRTDTAARA DTAARA(QUSRSYS/QTMSCLEAN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) VALUE(?c?) AUT(*ALL) 3. STRTCPSVR *SMTP The server deletes the DTAARA.
This is what our QSMTPQ looks like:Queue . . . . . . . . . . . : QSMTPQ Queue type . . . . . . . . : *RPDS Remote location name . . . : TCPIPLOC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . : *NETATR Remote net ID . . . . . . . : *LOC Local location name . . . . : *LOC
I thought I read some place that the distribution queues are not used for TCP, I confirmed this by holding the queues and sending a message.
Cannot get AS/400 e-mail to work
Peter, How about the IP address of your mail router? I am talking about the Mail Router parameter specified in you CHGSMTPA. It's IP address must be defined in the AS/400's host table. Aside from the above, I think you have already received all the necessary setup instructions for email to the internet. If you still can't get this running, maybe it is time to list down all the separate pieces of instructions and review each one carefully. Verify that each instruction had been done, and that the correct entries have been entered. In particular, I suggest you double check with your LAN administrator with regards to the mail router's IP address. (Note: I think you should refer to the mail router as "Mail Server" when conversing with him.)