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Partner TechTip: Simplify Your Field Expansion Projects

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  • Partner TechTip: Simplify Your Field Expansion Projects

    ** This thread discusses the article: Partner TechTip: Simplify Your Field Expansion Projects **
    ** This thread discusses the Content article: Partner TechTip: Simplify Your Field Expansion Projects **

    We didn't actually leave our grandchildren without "date" problems in some cases. We all pretty much create and use 8-digit dates (*ISO or *USA) nowadays, or timestamps, because DASD has by far blown-away most worries about using up too much disk with those un-neccessary century values.

    Still there are seven digit dates in use out there, where the century digit is determined by some "windowing" effort over the two digit year. Like year < 40, century = 20, year > 40, century = 19.

    So if some of this code is still in use by then...We have successfully setup our grand-kids with the soon to be famous 2099 date problem...!!! Can't wait for that one to roll around. Hoo-hoo :-)