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Help! S20 Max Interactive

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  • Guest.Visitor

    Help! S20 Max Interactive

    I would start out with looking at your model and processor feature. Look at system values QMODEL and QPRCFEAT. QMODEL should be S20 as you have already identified. The QPRCFEAT will help you get the CPW interactive (I think). Do some searching on the internet with the feature and see if you can find the CPW. Then you will know how much interactive your system can handle. It is not as easy as a specific number of interactive users but more of an overall percentage of interactive use. If anyone can help explain this better please feel free to do so.
  • Guest.Visitor

    Help! S20 Max Interactive

    Cheers for the steer Scott. Have found we've got a 2165 and will go look for a CPW count. From rummaging through the archives I've found out that the restriction seems to be on the amount of CPU power that it will dedicate to interactive use. Am hoping that as we've a large number of people each doing a very small amount of processing that we might be OK. Am keeping fingers crossed. Saw the recommendation about tweaking the timeslice per interactive session down from 2000 milliseconds to 500 so might try that. Can't do any harm.


    • drburdette@earthlink.net
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2024
      • 4

      Help! S20 Max Interactive

      The S20 2165 has a raw CPW of 464.3. Interactive performance is rated at only 47.7. I just came off a S20 2163 (CPW of 210) and found the performance for any client server or web processing to be very slow. We moved to a new 520 box with a CPW of 1000 and it is quite good for any kind of job. The interactive CPW values will come back to bite you if you have to many 5250 jobs started. Our limit seemed to be about 12 before the CFINT01 job kicked in. The interactive CPW on the 2163 was was only 35, so you might get a few more 5250 sessions out the 2165 box before the CFINT01 job kicks in and starts to kill performance.


      • Guest.Visitor

        Help! S20 Max Interactive

        The problem is not necessarily the number of 5250 users but what they are doing. A normal inquiry program won't suck the guts out of the system but interactive compiles or running a query that processes a million record file and chugs for 10 minutes interactively, when it should be submitted to batch, will bring most systems to their knees. Using the batch and interactive subsystems properly can substantially reduce CPW problems.


        • Guest.Visitor

          Help! S20 Max Interactive

          Hi New Forum member seeks urgent help regarding an S20 'server' AS/400. Does this model impose a limit on the maximum number of interactive sessions at any one time? If so, how can I find out what it is? Historically we've had about a dozen people testing on it at any one time but would shortly like to use it for UAT with 100+ users. Someone in the team has voiced a concern about there being a maximum. They've made me nervous. Hope someone can help.


          • Guest.Visitor

            Help! S20 Max Interactive

            We've completed our testing and I'm pleased to say our S20 accomodated 120 interactive users without any impact on performance. All users were using just RPG routines for looking at customer data. Nobody was running any SQL. Nobody was entering data. No batch processes were running. It's exactly as you all say; it's not how many but what they're doing that matters. Thanks.

