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IFS Cleanup

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  • Guest.Visitor

    IFS Cleanup

    RMVLNK OBJLNK('Directory1/*') This CL command will remove everything under the Directory1 object path. My command actually goes two more levels deep. Not sure how "low you can go"........... I execute this every night to remove temporary PDF files that are created during the day through one of our s/w packages.
  • dmjae2004@yahoo.com
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2024
    • 125

    IFS Cleanup

    Using QShell is one option. Qshell supports the unix find utility/command. Here is an example command... find . -type f -name "*.pdf" -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} ; This will start in the current directory and find all files that have a suffix of pdf and have not been modified within the last 30 days. In this example the find cascades down the subdirectories under the current working directory. Alternatively to -mtime you could specify -atime which indicates last access (read but not modified).


    • Guest.Visitor

      IFS Cleanup

      I like that. BTW, is Qshell free? If so, how do I install it. I don't have it installed, I know this because I just tried to start it. STRQSH.


      • Guest.Visitor

        IFS Cleanup

        I believe this would be on your install disks that come with the operating system and licensed programs. It is 5722SS1 Option 30 on our V5R2 box.


        • Guest.Visitor

          IFS Cleanup

          Thanks Sonny, I am going to see if I have this and install it. I could really use some unix commands!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • Guest.Visitor

            IFS Cleanup

            I've found that this appears to run a QZSHFCHLD job for each file it deletes. On my system, they leave joblogs behind, even though they complete normally. I haven't been able to figure out what jobd they're using (so I can change it), or if there's an ENVVAR I can use, or if the process can run "in" the session rather than run separate BCI jobs. I ended up with several thousand joblogs after cleaning up an old directory....


            • Guest.Visitor

              IFS Cleanup

              Never mind, found some answers here http://www.itjungle.com/guruo/mgo022202-story01.html and here http://archive.midrange.com/midrange.../msg00612.html


              • dmjae2004@yahoo.com
                Junior Member
                • Jul 2024
                • 125

                IFS Cleanup

                Sorry this should work without starting a job for each file. I updated this on antoher site, but forgot to paste it back here.


                • Guest.Visitor

                  IFS Cleanup

                  We have started to use the IFS to put PDF doc out there for users that don't need to access the green screens. Does anybody know a way or a tool to automatically do cleanup of directories in the IFS. We want to keep docs online for 30 day and then they are deleted. It is getting to be a pain to manually clean this up.


                  • #10
                    IFS Cleanup

                    Dave, I tried the QSHELL command that you have here but couldn't get it to work on our system. I'm running it in a batch submitted CL the code is below. When I run it without the '-exec rm -f{} ;' portion I get a list of all the files that haven't been accessed in over 30 days but once I put the '-exec re -f{} ;' back it comes back with a return code of 1... any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

