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Unvisible JPanel

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  • mamadou_toure@yahoo.com

    Unvisible JPanel

    Hi Jorgen. I'm new in Java, but I'm wondering if you haven't forgotten to include the setVisible(true) method for your panel to make it visible. Try it. The syntax is yourpanel.setVisible(true) i.e yourpanel is your panel object name. Hope this will help Regards Mamadou
  • Guest.Visitor

    Unvisible JPanel

    I have a program that creates a JPanel called from a menu, but the problem is that the panel is not shown. I have created a menu class that extends JFrame, and set up an actionlistener. When I select the program to run from the menu, an action performed method is executed that does a new Contacts() statement. The class Contacts extends JPanel, and I have added all the widgets to it. But it is not displayed. I know it is running because I had an error in Contacts that I fixed, but now I have this issue with the panel not being visible. All help and ideas are greatly appreciated! Thanks Jorgen


    • Guest.Visitor

      Unvisible JPanel

      Hello Perhaps you should do container.repaint(); where container is the class where you add the JPanel contacts. Regards

