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Funky behavior in Outline View

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  • Funky behavior in Outline View

    One of the neat things about WDSc I like is the outline view, which breaks down an ILE RPG program into various components like files, subroutines, subprocedures, klists, fields, datastructures, indicators etc. This makes navigating inside an ILE RPG program a breeze. If you click on one of the items, you are taken directly to where it is defined. And then, there are those little blue balls, which tell you where the item is referenced, even changed. Click on one of those, and you are taken to the line of code where the item is referenced. Those little blue balls are extremely helpful when they appear!. A lot of times, they don't! Has anyone else experienced this? I think I locked down when they don't appear - When I have H-Specs! What the...? If I'm using just about any H-Spec keyword, the little blue ball item references don't appear in the outline view. They disappear when I use ALWNULL, DFTACTGRP, ACTGRP, OPTION, BNDDIR, FIXNBR, INDENT and USRPRF. Oddly enough, they don't disappear if I use DEBUG, DATFMT, TIMFMT, and NOMAIN. Again, has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal behavior? If not, how can I fix it? Is there a PTF?
  • B.Morris
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2025
    • 531

    Funky behavior in Outline View

    DougCMH wrote: > > One of the neat things about WDSc I like is the outline view, which breaks down an ILE RPG program into various components like files, subroutines, subprocedures, klists, fields, datastructures, indicators etc. This makes navigating inside an ILE RPG program a breeze. If you click on one of the items, you are taken directly to where it is defined. > > And then, there are those little blue balls, which tell you where the item is referenced, even changed. Click on one of those, and you are taken to the line of code where the item is referenced. > > Those little blue balls are extremely helpful when they appear!. A lot of times, they don't! Has anyone else experienced this? I think I locked down when they don't appear - When I have H-Specs! What the...? > > If I'm using just about any H-Spec keyword, the little blue ball item references don't appear in the outline view. They disappear when I use ALWNULL, DFTACTGRP, ACTGRP, OPTION, BNDDIR, FIXNBR, INDENT and USRPRF. Oddly enough, they don't disappear if I use DEBUG, DATFMT, TIMFMT, and NOMAIN. > > Again, has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal behavior? If not, how can I fix it? Is there a PTF? There is an APAR for this: SE18956. It will be fixed in the next release. The circumvention is to specify OPTION(*XREF) in the H spec.

