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RPG improvements

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  • Guest.Visitor

    RPG improvements

    David said: "This is political doublespeak. MS can claim not to own or run any AS400s, but the hardware that serves up the info that MS runs on, may very well be an AS400." Well, my cable TV box uses Java but I wouldn't consider myself a Java user. Would that mean that I use political double speak? chuck Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.


    • K.Forsythe

      RPG improvements

      Its more like a billionaire who says that he is concerned about the environment and refuses to drive a gasoline powered car.... His chauffer on the other hand.....


      • Guest.Visitor

        RPG improvements

        Not exactly... To use your analogy, it's more like the billionaire taking a shuttle bus to the airport that uses fossil fuel. Your example showed an in-house employee, my example showed an independent contractor. Huge difference. chuck Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer. "kforsythe" wrote in message news:6aec9022.46@WebX.WawyahGHajS... > Its more like a billionaire who says that he is concerned about the environment and refuses to drive a gasoline powered car.... His chauffer on the other hand.....


        • Guest.Visitor

          RPG improvements

          From my perch, the chauffeur is probably the independent contractor from a limosine service, while the shuttle is not going to leave its route to pick up our billionaire.


          • Guest.Visitor

            RPG improvements

            Does your cable box store your checkbook data? or your SSN?


            • Guest.Visitor

              RPG improvements

              ctibode asked: "Does your cable box store your checkbook data? or your SSN?" Not directly. It holds a serial number that is communicated to my cable service via the attached wire. That serial number attaches to a database at Adelphia holds a lot of information about me. As an aside, AFAIK, Microsoft never had financials on AS/400s, only inventory control. It never held checkbook balances or SSNs. chuck Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.


              • Guest.Visitor

                RPG improvements

                Ctibode said: "From my perch, the chauffeur is probably the independent contractor from a limosine service" Then, of course, by IRS regulations the purchaser of the Limosine service could not demand that the limo be a clean air vehicle. Independent contractors are just that, independent. I just happen to work for a company that worked with the IRS to set the rules on what independent contractors can and can't do. The rules are very, very strict and one of the things that can't be controlled are how the contractor does their work. ctibode said: "while the shuttle is not going to leave its route to pick up our billionaire." Huh? Call any airport shuttle company and they pick you up at your doorstep. Don't you have shuttles in your area? chuck Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.


                • J.Pluta
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 2570

                  RPG improvements

                  I'll drop one more comment into this conversation. The discussion was whether Microsoft uses IBM midrange computers for part of its data processing. NOBODY has any real facts, so most of this discussion is pointless. However, the analogies being used are completely off the mark. Here's a relevant analogy: Let's say Federal Express used DHL to move its packages around. That would be an issue. Someone brings it up. So FedEx stops using DHL. Instead, it employs a third party consulting firm to pick up its packages, and that third party uses DHL. It still begs the question: why is ANY of the shipping outsourced? And with Microsoft the same question would apply: why would ANY data processing be outsourced? If Microsoft can't do it affordably inhouse using their owen products, why should they expect anyone else to use their products? Some of these other comments border on the Clinton-esque. Joe


                  • Guest.Visitor

                    RPG improvements

                    Joe asked: "And with Microsoft the same question would apply: why would ANY data processing be outsourced? If Microsoft can't do it affordably inhouse using their owen products, why should they expect anyone else to use their products?" That question is a little too simple for me. I'll use an analogy, as we all seem to like to do here. I work for the largest specialty lighting company in the world. Yet all of my lighting in my home isn't from the company I work for. Why? A couple of reasons. I purchased much of my lighting elsewhere before I started working for this company. It's certainly cheaper for me to keep using the lighting products I have than to replace them all. Also, it's sometimes even more convenient for me to buy some things elsewhere. Does that mean no one should by lighting from my company simply because I don't have all of my lighting from my company? No, certainly not. Same with MS. When they purchased and installed the AS/400s and their applications they couldn't get PC apps that scaled enough. Once large scale PC apps became available, they continued to use AS/400s apps. Should they have throw out the apps and start fresh just because Windows apps became available? Joe would say yes. As a shareholder I'd say no, why waste the money? Business decisions are often made with many complex inputs. It's too simple to say that if they don't use their own products in every corner of the company than their products are no good. chuck Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.


                    • J.Pluta
                      Junior Member
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 2570

                      RPG improvements

                      Chuck, if your company sells industrial lighting and doesn't use its own lighting in its warehouses, then no I wouldn't think of buying from them. This is common sense. And with that, I'm comfortable exiting this converation. Joe


                      • #56
                        RPG improvements

                        <> What features do you think are hidden in the 5250 stream?


                        • Terry Winchester
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 152

                          RPG improvements

                          Do you/your business own, run or program other cable TV boxes that do not use Java?


                          • Guest.Visitor

                            RPG improvements

                            got a flash on what would be a great improvement for free format RPG Multiple commands per line: Instead of one command per line, it would be nice to have multiple command on one line like in Delphi.[*]Examples:
                              If condition; dothis; EndIf;[/list]
                                DoW condition; ExSR mysub; EndDo if you have some ideas, add them here and possibly IBM will answer our prayers.



                            • Guest.Visitor

                              RPG improvements

                              Huh? "Terry Winchester" wrote in message news:6aec9022.56@WebX.WawyahGHajS... > Do you/your business own, run or program other cable TV boxes > that do not use Java?

