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Can we make spool from PF??

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  • Guest.Visitor

    Can we make spool from PF??

    Not sure exactly what you want here. If you simply want a listing of the file's contents without any formatting you can use: CPYF FROMFILE(library/filename) TOFILE(*PRINT) Alternatively, if you want a more formatted report then use QUERY/400 where you can select your columns, set headings, break levels, etc. Hope that helps Jonathan www.astradyne-uk.com
  • uptech
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2024
    • 17

    Can we make spool from PF??

    You can write an RPG program, or create a query using STRQRY if it's externally described, but something tells me saying that isn't going to do you much good, because it sounds like beginner RPG questions, and to do anything will take quite some back-and-forth. One of your questions on another thread referenced URLs for the manuals. Going through them to learn is possible, look for the "Guides" on things.


    • Guest.Visitor

      Can we make spool from PF??

      Is it possible to get a spool generated of a PF?? How? Thanks


      • Guest.Visitor

        Can we make spool from PF??

        Another way of getting the data into excel is to use ODBC. However, you must have CA/400 ODBC and file transfer with excel ADD-in. Within excel, now you can use the add-in to retrieve the data from AS/400. If in Did that is what you want.

