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Aldon Setup

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  • Joe Fraser
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 2

    Aldon Setup

    Rajesh, If I understand you question correctly you need to insert a test environment between DVP and QUA. In Aldon LM(i)[formerly ACMS] you can insert an ITG (integration) environment within a release between DVP and QUA by going into your release configuration and choosing option 12 to work with environments. The F6 there will allow you to add the ITG environment. You mentioned also in your post that you wanted the developer to choose one of three environments as they wish. This is not in the design of the product. You can have multiple developer environments that you can test but once you promote/check-in from DVP to the first controlled environment then you are into the the "normal" promotion path which has a single thread. You can however, have as many test environments as you like associated with ITG called data sets with separate data content for testing, but they will all be updated upon promotion of the mapped objects into the ITG environment. There may be other solutions too but we would need to discuss more specifically your situation to assist you in configuring LM(i) to your requirements. I am going to suggest that you contact Aldon Technical Support as we will be more than happy to discuss in detail your situation so we can formulate a proper solution. For support questions such as this there is no additional charge as it is included in your maintenance. For more information go to www.aldon.com and access the cusotmer access area in the top right corner of the main page. From there you will have full access to the Product manuals that were also delivered with your product. Specifically I would suggest looking at Chapter 3 of the General Topics section regarding data sets.
  • Rajesh
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2025
    • 5

    Aldon Setup

    Thanks a lot Joe. The inputs that you have given will definitely help me. Our requirement is to have all the test environments independent. However, you have mentioned while promoting an object it will update all the data sets mapped in the environment. Do we have a work around for this? While promoting from developer to ITG, it should update only the test environment the developer intends to update. All the other test environments should remain unchanged. Can we have multiple releases setup and have ITG, QA and PRD environments under these releases to achieve this? So, if I need three test environments I will create three releases and each will have ITG, QA and PRD environments setup in them. I am just giving my thought here and not sure, whether it is possible in Aldon. As you have suggested I visited aldon site and registered for customer access, yet to get the access rights to the customer site


    • Rajesh
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2025
      • 5

      Aldon Setup

      We currently have Aldon setup to promote objects from Developer's library to QA and to Production. Now We have created three test environments. We need to change the Aldon setup to have objects promoted from Developer's library to one of three Test environments as developer's wish and then to QA and then to production. How can I setup multiple test environments in Aldon Change Management tool.


      • Joe Fraser
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2002
        • 2

        Aldon Setup

        Rajesh, You are on the right track. You could setup sibling child releases under the primary release to accomplish almost exactly that. To get a good diagram of these concepts when you get on the customer access area of the web site checkout the power point presentation from our user conference regarding "Working Smart". Keep in mind as a customer of Aldon you can call for "live" technical support. This would give us a chance to talk and discuss your actual needs. JF

