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Saving a huge spool file

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  • ukpi1b
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2011
    • 123

    Saving a huge spool file

    Create flat file with the same record length as your printer file. Use CPYSPLF comand to copy spool file to it. Check required parameters. If you will use FCFC option - then file's record length should be 1 byte longer then printer file.
  • tkupchinsk
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2024
    • 20

    Saving a huge spool file

    If I am reading your statement of the problem correctly, that is: “facing this problem since few days ago”, I believe that you should investigate why you are getting a report over 99,999 pages. How many pages were there last month and the month(s) before? In my experience. most month end reports (and year end) have never come anywhere close to this many pages. Of course, I have only worked for small to medium sized entities.


    • Guest.Visitor

      Saving a huge spool file

      I assume since you want to save this spool file, you are not printing it..after all, we need to save our trees (according to Al Gore). So my question would be..why you generating a spool file that big to begin with. A spool file that big is useless..no one is going to read it or use it for anything. You can't perform a search on paper. Please tell me your company didnt print this report...


      • Guest.Visitor

        Saving a huge spool file

        I think it'll help us give you some ideas once you tell us how you are attempting to save it. Bill


        • charlie hummel
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2024
          • 10

          Saving a huge spool file

          The error that you are having is being caused by a field truncation problem. How are you trying to copy the spool file. Are you using cpysplf or are you using a utility program that has been written by somebody. We may be able to help you if you supply a little more detail


          • firas400
            Junior Member
            • Jul 2024
            • 36

            Saving a huge spool file

            thanks all for ur responds first of all i need to save it as spool file, we dont need to copy it to a physical file. the possibility of restoring it is high. this size is normal, this spool is the semi-annual account statements for all our bank clients. tried both BRMS and JADA for now, i re-created the spool but devided it into 2 spools so as i can save it, but im sure i will face the same problem at the end of the year.


            • ukpi1b
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2011
              • 123

              Saving a huge spool file

              To restore report write program to read PF and print keeping the same page size(overflow) as original report. You can also use SQL or any other available tool to get/print only portion of report from PF (e.g by client, account,date ,etc.)and even add some additional information to it.


              • firas400
                Junior Member
                • Jul 2024
                • 36

                Saving a huge spool file

                Good morning all im facing this problem since few days ago, i have a large spool file (Size more than 2.3 G) and no. of pages are some hundred of thousands (+++++) im trying to save it but i get this message: Receiver value too small to hold result any help please!! im afraid im gonna face this every single month!!


                • Guest.Visitor

                  Saving a huge spool file

                  Have you tried a product called "Save Output Queue?" They give you I believe a 30 day trial to see if their product works for you. I put that product up against BRMS. BRMS was very slow in saving my spool files where Save Output Queue was lightening fast. It might be worth doing a demo to see if it would save you a big headache in the long run.

