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Auto log on user

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  • David Abramowitz
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 3908

    Auto log on user

    Have you tried checking to see if the user is running out of subsystem QCTL? Dave
  • Guest.Visitor

    Auto log on user

    Hi Dave, The user MUST run in QCTL as it is a system back up job. but is not always left logged in, its a remote site with their own box that we administor remotely. S I want to remotely log a user on - if its poss. Thanks Carl


    • firas400
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2024
      • 36

      Auto log on user

      you can retrieve the job name, if it's not DSP01 then cancel the backup, but regarding the remotely logging on to Console, i "think" this needs somneone in the location to log on to the system from the console


      • Guest.Visitor

        Auto log on user

        Hi there, Does anyone know if there is a way to ensure a user is logged on to the console? i have an app that requires a user to be logged onto DSP01, if not the app fails. Is there a way to auto log a user on? don't think so - but if anyone knows different.....


        • DaleB63
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2024
          • 41

          Auto log on user

          Some ideas... If the console is a PC, then, depending on the emulator, you could write a program using HLL API, or something like that, to monitor the console session, and react appropriately. You might also be able to do it with a macro (probably the VBScript type), but I'm guessing that might be trickier. Either way, you'd have to deal with occasional password changes. You could also look at remote terminal type functions, such as PC Anywhere, Timbuktu, RTE, and the like, so that you could take over the console PC from your remote location. If you have LAN Operations Console, you would also be able to take over the console remotely, and sign on from your location. If the console is a twinax terminal, I don't think you'll be able to do it.

