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Undeliverable Email

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  • Guest.Visitor

    Undeliverable Email

    I have been sending emails from the AS400 using snddst in cl programs that run during the night to internet addresses. The smpt server is our Lotus Notes server running on a Windows 2000 server. It has been working for over a year, but all of a sudden, I am getting all emails being sent to users on the internet returned with the following message from QGATE NOT ABLE TO DELIVER MAIL TO SOME/ALL RECIPIENTS. REPLY CODES WITH FIRST DIGIT = '4' OR '5' ARE ERROR REPLIES. ERRORS THAT DO NOT HAVE ERROR REPLY CODES MAY EXIST. HOST S100480A NOT ABLE TO DELIVER MAIL TO FOLLOWING RECIPIENT(S): MAIL REJECTED BY companyabc.com WITH THE MESSAGE: 554 Relay rejected for policy reasons. ** TEXT OF MAIL FOLLOWS ** Received: by S100480A.US.BEHRGROUP.COM (IBM AS/400 ANYMAIL/400 MIME V4R1M0) Tue, 9 Sep 2003 00:01:56 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 00:01:56 -0500 Message-Id: <100480A0309090001550000000005@S100480A.US.BEHRGROU P.COM> Subject: DOC1.TXT Sensitivity: none Priority: normal Importance: high From: mike.mitchell@US.BEHRGROUP.COM X-From-OFFICEVISION: To: user@companyabc.com Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="PART.BOUNDARY.1" I believe that with the recent rash of email viruses, company firewalls have been set up not to receive emails from one domain that originated from another domain and because the emails originate from the AS400 and are then passed off to the Notes server, it appears to be a problem that the email originates from the SYSNAME.us.behrgroup.com instead of USER@us.behrgroup.com. Does anyone have an idea of how to get around this?
  • S.Mildenberger

    Undeliverable Email

    If the users are setup in the system directory (WRKDIRE) you can assign each of them a SMTP address that will appear as the 'From' sender. Someone may also have changed mail relay settings on your Notes server, they need to allow mail to be relayed when coming from the 400. Scott Mildenberger

