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GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

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  • Guest.Visitor

    GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

    Ken, I've been through this one myself a while back... As best as I can recall, the only job that can be runing after completion of the ENDSBS SBS(*ALL) command is the interactive job at the system console. But, that was V3Rsomething back then; newer releases might let ya run a batch pgm in QCTL By the way, upon completion of ENDSBS SBS(*ALL), the system is in restricted state; after issuing the commnad, check the appropriate message queue (probably qsysopr's) for this message (CPF0968 System ended to restricted condition.) before proceeding with any other commands. HTH, Martin
  • dbrunner@co.kenosha.wi.us

    GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

    Ken, The defaults for save commands have "end of media" option as *rewind. Your tape is rewinding after each save, then writing over the previous data. Use *leave for the first 3 saves, then *rewind for the last one. Dale


    • Guest.Visitor

      GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

      Shouldn't the system be restarted with STRSBS QCTL (assuming QCTL is your controlling subsystem)? That will run your sysval QSTRUPPGM startup program. Does just starting other subsystems & services work while in a restricted state? Just curious.


      • kenr@palecek.com
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2002
        • 4

        GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

        Dooohhhh! Sometimes it's so obvious it hurts. :{)


        • kenr@palecek.com
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2002
          • 4

          GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

          Since no one is on the system between when this runs and when we run a weekly IPL I guess it hasn't been an issue. I look into the mods you've suggested, thanks.


          • dmjae2004@yahoo.com
            Junior Member
            • Mar 2025
            • 125

            GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

            Its being a while since I've been involved in Backups but: (a) Shouldnt there be a SAVSECDTA to backup user profiles and security information. (b) Won't the command INZTAP DEV(TAP01) NEWVOL(PAL) CHECK(*NO) DENSITY(*FMT20GB)cause an Inquiry message if the tape had data on it. Which would cause the backup to block. Sorry if I am out of touch on this stuff.


            • Guest.Visitor

              GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

              a) Yes, there should be SAVSECDTA. b) CHECK(*NO) avoids that particular problem. Plenty of others could happen (though they should be rare) due to a missing/bad tape or other problems . You might want to do the INZTAP before you ENDSBS *ALL, so if there's a problem, the system will still be able to communicate with the outside world. On the SAV, you might also want ('/QDLS' *OMIT) and ('/QNTC' *OMIT). Though I don't know offhand if the latter helps much, or what the consequences would be. The /QNTC connections are re-created when you IPL (if the servers are up), and leaving /QNTC off may save time, since the iSeries may not scan to determine what exists there. WRKLNK '/QNTC/xyz' can take some time, and that may apply here.


              • dchristie
                Junior Member
                • Mar 2002
                • 320

                GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

                I believe SAVSYS will do a SAVSECDTA. (see help on command)


                • Guest.Visitor

                  GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

                  You're right; by default, SAVSYS also does SAVSECDTA and SAVCFG. I'd forgotten that detail.


                  • kenr@palecek.com
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 4

                    GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

                    In an attempt to perform an unattended full system backup I wrote a CLP based on the GO SAVE Option 21 commands in the Backup & Recovery manual that came with our system. The CLP is scheduled to run once a week using our JDE night jobs scheduler. Unfortunately, the only thing that shows up on the tape after running is QDOC. The CLP code we are running is provided. Is there more to this than I think? Am I missing something -- like a clue? :{) As you may have guessed, I'm a newbie to system ops. Thanks, Ken


                    • kenr@palecek.com
                      Junior Member
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 4

                      GO SAVE Option 21 as a CLP for unattended backup.

                      Well, the final solution is somewhat different than what was originally posted. Basically the full system save CL is started from the console on Friday night. However, it doesn't do anything until a Saturday morning job sends out a message -- the full sys save is looking for this message. Then, the save starts. This method is documented on a few AS400 web sites. We had our first successful run this past weekend. Thanks again to all those who posted replies. -- Ken

