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problem with Overlays

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  • Guest.Visitor

    problem with Overlays

    Are you creating the print file from Word with margins? If so, you may want to try creating it without margins and then send it to the AS/400.
  • David Abramowitz
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 3908

    problem with Overlays

    There are a variety of options when using the IBM AFP 300 print driver. Some of the defaults can cause a certain amount of compression. Examine all of these options before performing the PC print to file. You may be able to capture your image better. Side note: The option to print in color does not work. If you use it the overlay will print as garbage. Dave


    • Guest.Visitor

      problem with Overlays

      To Philip : I tried to suppress margins in the Word Document, same results ! To Dave : I verified any parameters for the IBM AFP 300 print driver (in fact, I used "Generic IBM 600dpi AFP" where my printer is a Lexmarx T630 N), but it does not work. I did not use Color parameter "Color Options : black/white", "Graphic options : none", "Gray Scale method : default dither") If anybody have an idea ...


      • David Abramowitz
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2007
        • 3908

        problem with Overlays

        Do not use the 600dpi AFP driver. Despite the notion that a 600dpi driver will produce better quality than a 300dpi driver, it is only the 300 that will actually produce expected results on a consistent basis. Dave


        • Yossi
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2025
          • 9

          problem with Overlays

          1. You can use the AFP Viewer to see the OVL before transfering it to the iSeries. 2. You can use the AFP Utilities to print the OVL created on the iSeries before you use it with the PRTF. Both options will help you to see exactly what you have in the OVL. In general the Word prints a full page (A4) and if you locate the OVL in a lower position the end of the OVLis truncated. There are some other options to create OVLs and you can consider them like using the green screen AFP Utilities (Edit Overlay). It takes more time but you'll get a smaller OVL and in the future you can update the OVL on the iSeries.


          • Guest.Visitor

            problem with Overlays

            I still use STRAFPU to do overlays. Can you point me in the right direction on how to do overlays in Word?


            • Guest.Visitor

              problem with Overlays

              George, First of your in the right place to get all the info you need. There some good articles by Mike Faust. One in particular "May the (AFP OVERLAY) Forms be with You" is a good start. Also there are some Red books like IBM AS/400 Printing V and VI, and Printer Device Programming. Hope this helps


              • Guest.Visitor

                problem with Overlays

                I created a Word document (.dot) with text/box on the bottom of the page. If i try to print it with Word (print --> printer, box is printed exactly where I want to have it). Then I build an overlay (print to file with AFP driver) that I copy to my iSeries with CPYFRMPCD and CRTOVL. Everything runs correctly. But when I will use my RPG program (with a printer file) to merge the data and the overlay, bottom box disappears. I have noticed that the overlay parts (a logo at the top, for example) are not printed exactly at the same place than in Word. In the Word document, if I try to place the box upper on the page, box is printed (off course, not on the wished place). What should I change to resolve the problem ?


                • paulrhale
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2025
                  • 1

                  problem with Overlays

                  George, I have been using Excel to build overlays instead of Word. In Excel I can create text boxes, change font, position etc. I use Excel because it treats each text box as a separate object and moving one does not affect the others. I also add watermarks, pictures, etc as needed.

