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And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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    And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

    ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
    I have not read Asimov's "The Bicentennial Man". However it appears that the movie was somewhat based on this novel, not after Mr. Data. Infact some of the inquests of Mr. Data might have been inspired from it. Mr. Data's character is philosophically inclined and attempts to revisit some of the notions humans have about themselves. Especially where we pride in our failings. For example we see out of control emotions as our basic identity and look down on Vulcans (who have emotions fully under control) as "inhuman". How can we evolve if we hold dear our primate mind? Maybe the hatred for logic comes out of the fear of logic. We believe the logic will make us loose our religion. We have invented some counter measures such as "Religious Sciences" to counter science and logic and I now see "Faith Based Movies" on Sci-Fi channel. What the heck is going on? I have now switched to History Channel!!!


    • frankgw@adelphia.net
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2025
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      And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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      "How can we evolve if we hold dear our primate mind?" Below is a website that helps to put religions in perspective – http://www.rationalresponders.com/re...ropocentricism


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        And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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        With all due respect, I think the website went to the other extreme. This website seems to be against traditional religions only. I do not consider it to be rational to bash traditional religions and leave alone other ideologies for which there is no dialogue e.g. patrioticism, nationalism, racism, secterianism, capitalism, communism, and even atheism. People actually fight, kill, and die for them without rationale. They all qualify as religion.


        • frankgw@adelphia.net
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2025
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          And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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          "No species has had the ability to direct its own evolutionary course - until now." Click below - http://www.discoverychannel.ca/shows....aspx?sid=4399 "Since the beginning of life on Earth, evolution has been dictated by Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. And now, humanity is on the brink of a change so radical, so rapid and unlike any other stage in human history."


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            And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

            ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
            The problem with Richard A. Clarke's futuristic novel "Breakpoint: terrorists vs. transhumanists " is that it happens in 2012. The problem is, if we are to believe all the pre-biblic doomsday prophecies like the 6000 year old Mayan Calendar and equivalently old Chinese iChing Calendar, the world is going to end of 21st December 2012. History channel has come with a more rational explaination is that every 13000 years or so the earth changes its magnetic poles and with it the position of the stars. Since the clanedars are based on stars, the calendars end, not the world. However with the change of magnetic poles, the glaciers would melt and a new begining of ICE age will start and we will end up like Atlantis. So we would problably end up as abominable snowmen instead of pets for super intelligent androids.


            • David Abramowitz
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              • Dec 2007
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              And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

              ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
              I saw a PBS show on magnetic pole reversal about a year ago. One of the scariest scenarios I have ever seen. Perhaps the most pessimistic prophecy was the inability of anyone to do anything about it! Dave


              • Guest.Visitor

                And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                I am glad you watch PBS. Smart people watch channels like PBS, C-Span, History Channel, Free Speech Channel, or Document Channel ... not faith-based channels like CNN or Fox (and now add sci-fi to that) History Channel has a series "Mega Disasters" which my 11 year old watches with great enthusiasm. For any of these disaster, there is nothing we can do but just end e.g. GRB (Gamma Radiation Burst), Meteoride crash (Like Schumaker-Lavi which could have ended us in 1994 if Jupiter had not pulled it), Methane Explotion, etc etc. Yesterday they talked about a mega drought that can destroy the USA like it almost did in the 30's. Except that in the 30's the farmers were not sucking so much water from the great underwater lake that connects all American lakes.


                • frankgw@adelphia.net
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2025
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                  And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                  ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                  "Aubrey de Grey ... argues that some people alive today will live in a robust and youthful fashion for 1,000 years." Click below for the complete article - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...002222_pf.html Click below for information on his new book - http://www.amazon.com/Ending-Aging-R...4274707&sr=8-1


                  • David Abramowitz
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 3908

                    And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                    ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                    You just reminded me of Ira Gershwin's comment about Methusalah in "Porgy and Bess." I won't repeat it here, but it might be germaine. Dave


                    • frankgw@adelphia.net
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2025
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                      And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                      ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                      "Earlier this year the government of South Korea said it was drawing up a code of ethics to prevent human abuse of robots-and vice versa." "The new charter is part of an effort to establish ground rules for human interaction with robots in the future." For the full article, click below - http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/21867


                      • peapod
                        Junior Member
                        • Mar 2025
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                        And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                        ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                        See this for the video

