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And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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  • frankgw@adelphia.net
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2025
    • 585

    And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

    A near-human virtual teacher called Eve can tell if a child is frustrated, angry or confused by an on-screen teaching session and can adapt the tutoring session appropriately. Click below for the complete article - http://physorg.com/news114704050.html
  • MCWebsite.Staff
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    • Dec 2007
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    And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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    • David Abramowitz
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2007
      • 3908

      And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

      ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
      This is not new news. Woody Allen went further than this and devised virtual intimacy fourty years ago!! (See the movie "Sleeper".) Dave


      • H.Boldt
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2005
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        And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

        ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
        A more appropriate analogy might be that episode of Futurama where Fry fell in love with a robot Lucy Lui. But even in that, there was no suggestion that they would marry. Cheers! Hans


        • frankgw@adelphia.net
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2025
          • 585

          And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

          ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
          Humans as pets? Click below - http://www.reason.com/news/show/122423.html For more information on where humanity may be heading click below - http://www.kurzweilai.net/index.html?flash=1 What do you all think? Where is the ever increasing rate of technological change really taking us? Biotechnology? Nanotechnology? Robotics? Others?


          • scatterload
            Junior Member
            • Mar 2025
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            And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

            ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
            of course though, fry did not have to worry about leaving a trail of baby-bots all around the country -sarge


            • #7
              And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

              ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
              See the movie 'Cherry 2000' for the story. Also, does saying bad words to your PC in frustration count ?


              • Guest.Visitor

                And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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                I'll have to flip the eight-ball over to get a more definitive answer. The pure natural selection via the physics of liquid-dynamics, for all possible answers to all possible questions. It's never been wrong...and er...or right. But it knows everything. :-)


                • #9
                  And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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                  ..was a movie that took that theme very seriously. But that movie, along with the less serious Short Circuit, was a platform for un-focusing the idea of what it is to be "human", or a "citizen". (But will they wait for that to virus-the-vote?) With the kind of stuff our modern post-tech media likes to report, it will not be surprising if or when it happens. Remember Hal in 2010? His maker was quite emotionally attached to his buddy there. Glorified blow-up dolls? Yech! Or pumped-up studs? Yech!


                  • #10
                    And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                    ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                    Remember? With Al Pacino? Baby and all too! Does that one count, since she never had "substance"?


                    • frankgw@adelphia.net
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2025
                      • 585

                      And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                      ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                      "Brief Description of Movie: The Singularity is Near, A True Story about the Future, based on Ray Kurzweil's New York Times best selling book, will be a full-length motion picture slated for theatrical release in Spring 2008. Click below for more information - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1049412/plotsummary


                      • Guest.Visitor

                        And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                        ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                        Actually the idea of a Bicentennial Man was a very old one and as I die hard ST-TNG trekkie I would say it was taken from ST-TNG episode "The Measure of a Man" where Mr. Data is on trial to prove that he is a life form and not a machine. The only point that could be against him was that he had no soul. The judge in her verdict debates what soul (a religious concept) is, and states she does not know if she has a "soul" or not. The other point that was often raised against him was that he had no emotions. However when his twin brother Lore was discovered, it was debated if having emotions is a good thing because it were the emotions that made Lore evil and the lack of thereof made Data the righteous one. Also, the idea of "Positronic Brain" was also not new as Mr. Data's brain was also given this very terminology. In the episode "offspring" he constructs another android as "daughter" for himself and tries to duplicate his brain's design in her with tragic results. Agains this concept was discussed. Basically, the idea of Mr. Data can be said to have been inspired by Pinoccio. The major difference, however, was that Mr. Data never tried to be human, just mimic human behavior. In "Deja Q", when he saves Q's life and Q tells him that he is going to have his life long wish granted, Data thinks Q is about to make him human, and politely refused. However to his surprise, Q had a better understanding of him, and had actually granted him a gift of laughter!


                        • Guest.Visitor

                          And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

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                          In Virtuosity, Russel Crowe plays the role of a virtual person like Simone. However unlike Simone, he had concious and manages to get a physical form. ST-TNG again, Professor Moriarty is a hologram and manages to get conciousness. He also manages to get a physical form outside the holodeck only to later appears as a holodeck trick. In reply, the captain plays the same trick and gives Professor the illusion that he has managed to actually get a physical form and have gotten out of holodeck. Only others know he is still in a standalone portion of holodeck. In ST-Voyager however, the hologram Doctor manages to get a "Mobile Holodeck" from far future and got him freedom from the holodeck.


                          • David Abramowitz
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 3908

                            And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                            ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                            Hassan.Farooqi wrote: In ST-Voyager however, the hologram Doctor manages to get a "Mobile Holodeck" from far future and got him freedom from the holodeck. Art imitates art - In an episode of "Red Dwarf" Rimmer gets a portable hologram generator, and a further episode gives his hologram substance. Dave


                            • Guest.Visitor

                              And Now, You May Kiss the Robot

                              ** This thread discusses the article: And Now, You May Kiss the Robot **
                              "Mr. Data" notwithstanding, Asimov's 1976 short story "The Bicentennial Man" runs the gamut of legal, social, and moral implications of artificial intelligences. His cynical solution,... humans only accept the "robot" as an equal once he accepts "Death" by programming an artificial ageing and infirmity into his "body". (I never saw the Robin Williams movie, so I don't know what their take on it was) We just don't like to be upstaged. Anthropocentricism is a bitch. However, in reality, we will probably end up getting the philosophically inclined thermonuclear "smart" bomb featured in John Carpenter's "Dark Star". We seem to be just smart enough to get ourselves into trouble and little else.

