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All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

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    All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

    ** This thread discusses the article: All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go **
    First hand from Jim, that it's still being taught education side, and saught employment-wise. I got my basic-training at Kalamazoo Valley Comm. Coll. in the early eighties and I often wondered if they still had a hand in the midrange world...Too afraid to look I guess. But it's that lack of initiative thing that I've never understood... I think, "Don't you want to learn something new...???" Like almost everyday...??? If I didn't or couldn't learn something new when the itch arises...(Our platform has endless opportunities for that.) My career would have died from within years ago. I mean, If you don't learn a new "curve" every now-and-then...Don't you feel kinda like a repetitive-worker-drone doing assembly line drudgery...I'd last about two days before my mind-nebula'd if it was like that.


    • Guest.Visitor

      All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

      ** This thread discusses the article: All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go **
      I don't mean a whole-new-programming language everyday. Just a new word like "indicia" on a post-card from Bobby awhile back. It was good for me, as learned "something" new that day.


      • Guest.Visitor

        All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

        ** This thread discusses the article: All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go **
        I am on the Advisory Committee for the Programmer/Analyst program at Gateway, and a fellow member of WMCPA with Jim Buck. I agree with much of what Jim said, but feel there are at least three factors at play: 1) Lack of interest on the part of some (not all) programmers. As you and others stated, completing school doesn’t complete your education…it should be ongoing. When you stop learning…you’re done. Of course, if your company doesn’t support training, then it comes out of your own pocket and vacation bank, if you can get the time off. 2) Lack of foresight by some companies. Both IT and company management need to realize that IT is a moving target. Holding still is actually falling behind as other companies (that have at least some foresight) are moving ahead. Which is worse – training an employee and having them leave, or not training them and keeping them? Many companies won’t send people to training unless there is a tangible and direct benefit. 3) IBM’s mixed messages about the platform. Let’s make sure everyone learns SmallTalk…on OS/2. What about San Francisco? Is EGL (or whatever they’re calling it today) the next big thing…or a flash in the pan? Seen any ads lately? This platform (pick whatever name you can remember) has, as Dr. Soltis talked about at our last conference, incredible capabilities. But, if no one knows about it, what difference will it make? Any of the above groups can claim the same motto: "I have seen the enemy...and it is us!"

