January 11, 2017

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January 11, 2017 | Volume 6 Issue 1

• LEAD ARTICLE: What Is IBM MobileFirst?

• FEATURED ARTICLE: The Sencha Platform Offers MADP with Life Cycle Coverage

• NEWS HIGHLIGHT: IBM Goes Mobile with Watson

• WHITE PAPER: Mobile Computing and the IBM i

• FEATURED VIDEO: 3 Things About Successful Mobile First Organizations

• EVENT: Why MySQL High Availability Matters

Lead Article - Mobile Dev Tools

What Is IBM MobileFirst?

Demystifying IBM’s mobile application development offering.

Written by Steve Pitcher

IBM MobileFirst (formerly IBM WorkLight) is an enterprise-grade suite of tools which help you build mobile applications. I want to give you a little insight of how MobileFirst is structured, in terms of a high level technical infrastructure overview and your pricing options.

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Data is the world’s new “natural resource,” and DB2 for z/OS is still the gold standard for storing and leveraging your mission-critical data. In this book by 5 IBM DB2 for z/OS experts, you will learn about new technologies that help you take advantage of DB2 in the cloud, protect your data, deliver predictive analytics to make better decisions, integrate DB2 for z/OS with mobile banking, and gain business insights from both DB2 and non-DB2 data.

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Get the latest and greatest advice from the DB2 for z/OS gurus! DB2 11: The Ultimate Database for Cloud, Analytics, and Mobile provides essential advice and explanations to ensure a successful upgrade--including feedback from early customer experiences. This book describes new DB2 11 features that can help you respond cost-effectively to the data explosion resulting from mobile applications, cloud computing, social media, and smart devices. Understand the new functions in DB2 11, plan your migration strategy, and learn about important new support for application compatibility. Get your copy today!

Just $5 during the MC Press New Year Knowledge Sale!

Feature Article - Mobile Dev Tools

The Sencha Platform Offers MADP with Life Cycle Coverage

The Eclipse-compatible Sencha Platform helps developers build web and mobile apps using Java and JavaScript frameworks that employ HTML5.

Written by John Ghrist

If your programming expertise is in Java or JavaScript frameworks that use HTML5, a natural fit for a web or mobile application development platform (MADP) at your enterprise may be the Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management Platform, which lets users build, test, and deploy web applications for desktops, smartphones, and tablets.

MC Resource Centers

Mobile White Paper available now.

Mobile computing is rapidly maturing into a solid platform for delivering enterprise applications. Many IBM i shops today are realizing that integrating their IBM i with mobile applications is the fast path to improved business workflows, better customer relations, and more responsive business reporting. The ROI that mobile applications can produce for your business is substantial.

This ASNA whitepaper takes a look at mobile computing for the IBM i. It discusses the different ways mobile applications may be used within the enterprise and how ASNA products solve the challenges mobile presents. It also presents the case that you already have the mobile programming team your projects need: that team is your existing RPG development team!


Download your copy today from the MC White Paper Center

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  • SB Profound WC 5536Join us for this hour-long webcast that will explore:

  • Fortra IT managers hoping to find new IBM i talent are discovering that the pool of experienced RPG programmers and operators or administrators with intimate knowledge of the operating system and the applications that run on it is small. This begs the question: How will you manage the platform that supports such a big part of your business? This guide offers strategies and software suggestions to help you plan IT staffing and resources and smooth the transition after your AS/400 talent retires. Read on to learn: