November 18, 2016

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Feature Article - Security

The Lesser of Two Evils: Choosing the Better IBM i Security Configuration

Carol describes scenarios where the configuration options aren’t optimal, but a choice must be made.

Written by Carol Woodbury

By the time you read this, the election in the United States will be over. Many in the States view this election as having to choose between the lesser of two evils. While I’m not going to discuss the way I voted, I thought I might discuss some similar situationswhere I’ve been presented with two IBM i configurations to choose from, and neither is optimal.

T.L. Ashford

Barcode400 Version 4.0 is the best software yet for designing and printing bar code labels from the IBM i.

Features include:

  • Easy Design with a Graphical Interface using IBM i Files.
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  • Many Ways to print - Print stand-alone from your desktop, or completely automate label printing by integrating into your application software. No Programming Required! The Power is in your hands.
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Learn about new Features here, or watch a quick video on 4.0 features here. Download a 30-day trial here!

MC Press Bookstore
Can’t wait? The wait is over…It’s finally here! The latest update to the classic IBM i security reference is now available. Fully secure your IBM i applications and data with help from security guru Carol Woodbury. Written in a clear, jargon-free style, you’ll learn why it’s vital to develop a security policy and how to implement and maintain such a system. You’ll also get expert advice for tackling today’s security threats. This new release is updated for the latest version of the IBM i operating system. Get your copy today!
MC Press Bookstore

With Mastering IBM i, you’ll learn everything you need to work with IBM i systems, including traditional concepts and tools, as well as the latest methods such as SQL. Well-suited for new or veteran IBM i programmers, Mastering IBM i takes a hands-on, experience-based approach to learning. Key terms, review questions and step-by-step labs for each chapter make this book perfect for classroom use or individual study. Order today and get this great resource at a great low price!

Feature Article - TechTip

TechTip: Store and Parse JSON Data Natively with DB2 for i

Learn how the latest DB2 for i features can reduce development time when interacting with the popular JSON data format.

Written by Michael Sansoterra

In my prior tip about using JSON with DB2 for i, I articulated a method of accessing JSON with SQL by use of Java external user-defined functions (UDFs) that convert JSON to XML and XML to JSON. Starting in IBM i 7.1 TR10 (Database Group PTF Level 34) and IBM i 7.2 TR2 (Database Group PTF Level 5), IBM has added native JSON support to the DB2 for i database engine. Keep in mind that, at this first release, the JSON support is still considered a "technology preview," so be sure to test any JSON implementations carefully before using them in production. Also, based on available documentation, some of these features and JSON functions are not yet advertised by IBM for the IBM i and may be subject to change.

MC Resource Centers

IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

A Step by Step Guide

Active monitoring is one of the most critical and effective security controls that an organization can deploy. Unlike many Windows and Linux server deployments, the IBM i can host a complex mix of back-office applications, web applications, and open source applications and services - leaving millions of security events to actively monitor.

This eBook discusses:

  • Real-time security event logging and monitoring
  • Security architecture and logging sources on the IBM i
  • Creating the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN
  • Enabling IBM security events through system values
  • File integrity monitoring (FIM)
  • A step by step checklist begin collecting and monitoring IBM i security logs

Download your copy today from the MC White Paper Center

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